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#protip: if you just tip your webcam down a little bit then it doesn’t look like you’re slouching in my desk chair even when you’re definitely slouching.
Full Post List
- Joyful and Unprofitable Pursuits
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning
- It’s So Much
- My photo library backup strategy, circa 2025
- Review: The Widening of God's Mercy by Drs. Christopher and Richard Hays
- Curiosity → Attention → Love
- The great privilege of great power is an incuriosity about those who lack it.
- On Jimmy Carter and Evangelical salvation anxiety
- Some thoughts on my first EV experience: driving a Tesla Model Y for 3 weeks
- My 2024 Reading In Review
- A Christian is distinguished by his radical esteem for the Incarnation
- Faith is more about longing and thirsting than knowing and possessing
- High enough anxiety
- Sin as Debt: Thoughts after reading David Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years
- Sharing my own music for the season: Carols for Christmas (piano instrumentals)
- A few thoughts on formation
- Marjorie May (Stepp) Hubbs Obituary
- Remembering Marjorie (Stepp) Hubbs, 1930 - 2024
- Installing OpenGarage
- On Killing First and Loving Your Enemies
- John Gruber: How It Went
- "Leave it to good old Jesus and the rest of His family..."
- Small Wonders: The Pixies Are In the Attic
- Life’s too short for uninteresting books
- Today the blog turns 20
- Marilynne Robinson on Community and Absence
- Looking back or looking forward? Reading Ivan Illich up against Ilia Delio
- Recommended reading: Excavating AI
- Recommended podcast: Chris E. W. Green's Speakeasy Theology
- You can become more holy by becoming more merciful
- Bryce Harper: Mentoring at 1B
- In Which Chris & Becky Visit Yale
- The blessing of the dedicated civil servant
- David Bentley Hart’s “The Experience of God”
- Bullet Points for a very hot Monday Afternoon
- Henri Nouwen: An alert and aware spiritual life
- Rethinking who are "The Normal Ones"? A.R. Moxon nails it.
- New Boeing CEO: Kelly Ortburg
- 2024 Reads: Making All Things New by Ilia Delio
- Matt Tebbe on how supremacy systems work
- Belatedly catching up on Star Trek Discovery Season 5. What am I watching again?
- Lamb of the Free by Andrew Remington Rillera
- Lego and a weird credit card payment
- Not made for omniscience
- More mess at The Village Church
- A couple recommended reads: Trusting your Heart, and Christianity as an MLM
- Am I coming or going?
- Worth a watch: Thelma
- Some quick thoughts as I synthesize Beck and Delio this morning...
- A couple recommended newsletter reads
- 2024 Reads: A Window to the Divine by Zachary Hayes, OFM
- Family vacation recap: DC and NYC
- Rosaria Butterfield and the trajectory toward anti-LGBTQ violence
- 25 years!
- The reality gap
- Bullet Points for a Friday
- Because I need more piano music...
- A radicalizing NYPD-Columbia Education
- I may have become the stereotypical liberal exvangelical.
- Jennifer Knapp: Kansas 25
- A. R. Moxon: War or Nothing
- Finished reading: Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson
- I'm not claiming any special prescience, but...
- Medieval Christians' perspective on climate change
- Moving my blog to
- Bullet Points for a York Tuesday
- Pictures at an Exhibition for Guitar
- The Exvangelicals by Sarah McCammon
- Bringing joy to people IS bringing glory to God
- Reimagining Orthodoxy
- Did the Emerging Church Fail?
- Donald Bruce "Don" Hubbs, 1949-2024
- The State of my Task Management, 2024
- Recommended Reading: The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory by Tim Alberta
- A short note on Travel Planning
- My 2023 Reading in Review
- Chopin Being Mean
- Reviewing Two Decades of My Thoughts
- Migrating to Eleventy
- Closing down
- In Praise of Humble, Gentle Men
- You get the feeling from reading them that we might be loved
- A Hymn Aptly Chosen
- An Appliance Installation in Four Lowe’s Trips
- Christianity no longer has an Effective Cosmology
- Playing the Jeremiah 17:9 Card
- My own personal Philippians 3
- Fast Car, or, why I'm crying at my desk this morning
- A Tale of Two TV Ministers
- Billionaire Hoarders and “Charity”
- Ten-Year Review
- Catching up with myself
- Protect elders! Ban television!
- Hope springs eternal...
- Supernatural love, found within human love
- A little poetry for Monday night
- Chris E. W. Green on the Beatitudes and Power
- Chris E. W. Green on Christians as a temple for the sake of the world
- Chris E. W. Green on Vocation
- On leaving Twitter, embracing Mastodon, and recommending Ivory
- New on The Bookshelf
- My 2022 Reading in Review
- Stanley Hauerwas on sin, character formation, and fear
- Podcast Recommendation: A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs
- Carter Burwell: polymath film composer
- Liège Waffles!
- Rich Mullins - gone 25 years
- Preparing to launch
- Capon’s Wager on God’s Love
- On LGBTQIA+ Affirmation
- Sympathy for Jesus
- Quick Thoughts after watching Top Gun: Maverick
- Geof F. Morris, 1978-2022
- Waiting for the Lightning
- Essential Jams: ”Fugace” from Bolling’s Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio
- Easter 2022
- Eerie Parallels
- My 2021 Reading in Review
- Keeping theology coupled with cosmology
- Beck: Nationalism and the search for meaning
- Fascinating: 5th Century Byzantine Basilica honoring Female Ministers found in Israel
- The Teaching vs. The Teacher
- Recommended Reading, September 2021
- A 'Christian' nation without empathy
- Richard Beck: hermeneutical self-awareness and a neurotic spiritual nightmare
- An Easter 2021 Meditation
- Teenage Vernacular Update, circa March 2021
- Recent reading: Queer Theology by Linn Marie Tonstad
- Thoughts upon Rush Limbaugh's passing
- Richard Beck: Political detox for evangelicals
- My current side project
- Psalm 126
- 2020 Reading in Review
- Bullet Points, Special Edition: Unpopular Opinions
- Richard Beck on finding Common Cause
- Recommended Reading: Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez
- Michael F. Bird on Social Justice as Christian Love
- By the Waters of Babylon - Joey Weisenberg
- First Day of School, 2020
- "Get Freed"
- To drag knowledge of reality over the threshold of consciousness is an exhausting task...
- God Land by Lyz Lenz — A Belated Review
- 2020 Reading - July/August Roundup
- September
- Quiet
- Incessant
- Fragile
- Devastation
- Ten Years
- Walter Wink on nationalism and the myth of redemptive violence
- Weekend project: bookshelves!
- July 4, 2020
- 2020 Reading - First Half recommendations
- We keep living anyway
- Desperation
- Kermit does Jazz: there's video.
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Also-Rans
- Kermit does Jazz?
- Bullet Points for a Saturday Morning
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: A Liturgy, A Legacy, and a Ragamuffin Band
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Rachmaninov’s Vespers (All Night Vigil)
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Bride of the Noisemakers
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: The Suburbs
- Recommended daily reading: Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Silly Songs with Larry
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Behold the Lamb of God
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Long Line of Leavers
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: When Harry Met Sally
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Go West Young Man
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Rach 2
- Podcast Listening, Social Distancing Edition
- The poor you will always have with you?
- Adam Young on Hope and Wrestling with God (2)
- Adam Young on Hope and Wrestling with God (1)
- An Iowan's thoughts the morning after the 2020 Caucus
- Journalism I'm Supporting, January 2020
- Slow Reading
- 2019 Reading in Review
- Happy New Year!
- Knives Out
- Frozen II: A Very 2019 Movie
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #5
- In The Shelter: Naming the Gadarene Demoniac
- A High View of Scripture?
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #4
- A justice not to be feared but to be longed for
- Family Movie Night: Chain Reaction (1996)
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning #6
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #3
- Richard Beck: Love in Post-Progressive Christianity
- Time to weed out some candidates
- 21 Years
- Why *wouldn’t* you want to be an egalitarian?
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #2
- These Democrats Should Run for Senate instead of President in 2020
- DBH: Can we relax about "socialism"?
- Finished reading, an early 2019 compendium
- Richard Beck: In defense of heretics
- Today's the day!
- I know nothing about this movie other than what’s in this trailer...
- Opening Day 2019
- Current Earworm
- My latest fascination
- Strange Planet
- Democracy for Republicans
- What systemic repentance might look like for the Evangelical church
- A passion for Jesus and for justice
- My 2018 Reading in Review
- Painful but true words about gifting
- Fans with Bands
- The Cross and the Lynching Tree
- Making the rounds...
- For All The Saints
- Of disappointment and unexpected footwear
- The Emperor and the Empty Tomb
- Chaplain Mike: Exiting the Evangelical Wilderness
- A night with Bruce Hornsby’s brain
- A good word from Jonathan Martin
- Grammar nerdery + Bible reference? You bet I'll post this.
- You are always more ready to hear than we are to pray...
- Being Christians above all else
- Three dimensions of salvation by allegiance
- What are Evangelicals afraid of losing?
- Finished reading: 2018, part five
- Power corrupts. Including religious power.
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Morning, German Edition
- Welcome to America...
- Zahnd: Christianity vs. Biblicism
- Finished reading: 2018, part four
- The Greatest Show pointing to the greatest story
- Christ has made our hearts glad... and is waiting for our politics to catch up
- Albert Mohler, the SBC, and #MeToo
- Utterly stuck in my head
- Finished reading: 2018, part three
- Positive politics: health care
- Bruenig: Dignity in work, dignity in rest
- Fun with time signatures
- It's a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps
- What will happen with the children of post-evangelicals?
- Opening Day 2018
- Is it the beard?
- Found Tonight
- Finished reading: 2018, part two
- Birthday week!
- Geek dad status, part 2
- Geek dad status: unlocked. (Oh let's be honest, this is nothing new...)
- I tried YouTube TV - here's what I found
- Beck: A practical Lenten fasting routine
- These are the deep questions I ask myself...
- Liss: Some questions for those who say the solution is to arm teachers
- Parkland
- Bullet points for a Wednesday morning: travel edition
- Finished reading: where has 2018 gone already?
- The Gospel Coalition has its #MeToo moment
- Positive Politics: Religious Liberty
- Beck: bored with his doubts
- My 2017 reading in review
- Finished reading: 2017 year-end edition
- Church graveyard at night
- Positive Politics: Internet and Technology Policy
- Positive Politics: Education
- Andrew Sullivan on the Gay Wedding Cake Case
- Positive politics: a little bit of foundation
- Thinking in more positive terms about political issues
- Really happy for Scott Frost
- Jesus' Appeal to Human Emotion and Reason
- Some Thoughts on Thoughts and Prayers
- Finished reading: fiction!
- Land of My Sojourn
- A healthier approach to a mid-life crisis...
- Over-reaction?
- Finished reading, part the next
- Andrew Peterson and Friends: The Ragamuffin Album, Live at the Ryman
- Liberty and Holiness
- Finished reading: several more
- Book Blame, Volume 1
- A little random follow-up
- David Bentley Hart, from The Doors of the Sea
- Finished reading: some history, some sci-fi, some theology
- Happiness as Human Flourishing: Matthieu Ricard on On Being
- Yep, still reading...
- Bullet points for a Friday morning, July 2017
- Finished reading: a few more...
- Nineteen
- Finished Reading: People to Be Loved by Preston Sprinkle
- 15-year-old Chris would be in disbelief
- The extraordinary moment...
- Sabbath is a way of life...
- Marilynne Robinson on Cultural Pessimism
- Finished Reading: The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova
- James: Gotta Trust Somebody
- Rands: Assume they have something to teach you
- Finished reading: more books
- Matthew 6, a modern paraphrase
- An open letter of apology to my wife, to be reused as necessary
- Fr. Boules George: A Message to Those Who Kill Us
- Finished reading: The Madame Curie Complex by Julie Des Jardins
- Stop Trying to be a Man - Start Trying to be a Good Man
- Finished reading: Faithful Presence by David Fitch
- Jethani: Blessed Are The Disillusioned
- Finished reading: several books
- We are from the future, embodying that in the here and now
- Finished Reading: The Day the Revolution Began by N. T. Wright
- NTW on 'a central part of the Christian vocation'
- Finished reading: a quick compendium
- Another view of 'love of neighbor'
- Finished reading: Now: The Physics of Time by Richard A. Muller
- Finished reading: Instrumental: A memoir of Madness, Medication, and Music by James Rhodes
- Finished reading: A Wretched and Precarious Situation by David Welky
- Bullet points for a Wednesday afternoon
- Finished reading: The Whistler by John Grisham
- Finished Reading: Reclaiming Hope by Michael Wear
- Finished reading: A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
- Where you get your news matters
- Finished reading: Introduction to the Old Testament by J. Alberto Soggin
- The most moving video I've seen in quite a while...
- Finished reading: How to Survive a Shipwreck by Jonathan Martin
- Thanks, Obama.
- Finished reading: Broken Trust by W.E.B. Griffin
- Finished reading: Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi
- Books I Read in 2016
- Talking Complementarianism and Egalitarianism with Brent Thomas
- Entirely resilient
- This is my new favorite picture and I don't know why
- Recommended reading: The
- #FlyTheW
- Bullet Points for a Tuesday Afternoon
- A Little Plastic Surgery for the Body of Christ
- Puttting the work into music in church
- Worship Night in America
- A couple recent podcast episodes worth recommending
- Finished reading: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
- Finished reading: compendium 4
- On Watching the Tonys for the First Time
- Worship Pastor as Tour Guide
- The Beach Boys 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' with the vocals isolated...
- Wise words
- Finished reading: compendium 3
- The worship leader as pastoral musician
- Reading Revelation Responsibly by Michael J. Gorman
- Thoughts on Brian Zahnd and Word of Life Church
- Brian Zahnd's Prayer School
- Hamilton's King George reacts to Donald Trump
- 5/4 day
- Bono and Eugene Peterson discuss the Psalms
- Finished reading: Compendium 2
- The discomfiting presence of a saint
- Finished reading: Partners in Christ: A Conservative Case for Egalitarianism by John G. Stackhouse Jr.
- Finished reading: The Christian Tradition, Vol 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700) by Jaroslav Pelikan
- Christianity as cultural salt
- Finished reading: a couple more
- Finished reading: The Mechanical by Ian Tregillis
- Finished reading: a compendium
- Zierman: Making Room for Others
- A little window on the past
- Finished reading: The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord
- Finished reading: Sisters In Law by Linda Hirshman
- Finished reading: Dylan Goes Electric! by Elijah Wald
- Brian Zahnd on Silence and avoiding angry noise
- Words matter
- Finished reading: Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz-Weber
- Finished reading: Saved From Sacrifice by S. Mark Heim
- By resurrection Jesus is cleared of the scapegoat charges against him...
- Aigner: Reframing Worship Arguments
- Liftoff Episode 12: Geof makes the bigtime
- Music that evokes an emotional response
- Finished reading: The Type B Manager by Victor Lipman
- Finished reading: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
- I should've remembered this from last time...
- I love my daughter's embarrassed-but-pleased-with-herself smile
- Fiet: Wheaton College and the Fear Machine
- Finished reading: How to Watch a Movie by David Thomson
- Meador: on Intervarsity and Black Lives Matter
- Finished reading: Hackers by Steven Levy
- My 2015 Reading Year in Review
- Finished reading: Saturn Run
- Richard Causton, George Szirtes - The Flight
- Hamilton
- The Worship Industry is "Killing Worship"?
- Beck: Let Us Be the Heart Of the Church Rather Than the Amygdala
- Now this is good news!
- The first shoreline of the invisible world
- Some months I need to clone myself, or, Chris gets work done, Orphan Black-style
- Happy Birthday, Laura! (2015 edition)
- 17 Years
- A little early-morning band action
- A little bit of a bozo
- That old, old impulse to tweak and re-write
- May I go through the day calling on you
- A Meal Shared Among Friends
- Infrastructure and the Common Good
- Formation of the Heart
- Too much knowledge about the Bible a bad thing?
- The Benedict Option (i.e. Christian Cultural Withdrawal)
- Capon on Confession
- Revisiting the evangelical worship experience
- Relax
- Popular Movies I've seen over the past 15 years
- Have Safire write up a speech
- The Spiritual Pep Rally
- Some fun for Friday
- American Oligarchy
- And the youngest turns 6...
- The best sports weekend of the year
- Matt Maher: Glory Bound
- Not to deal with sin, but to save...
- Happy Birthday to the AG! (2015 edition)
- Can you name 5 ways the church differs from America?
- Stopping ISIS
- A famous scene minus the dialogue
- Worth reading: an interview with Wendell Berry
- HDHomeRun Extend noisy fan: fix it via OVERKILL!
- Jim Cantore, Minor Prophet
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Morning, 2015 edition
- Worship develops feelings for God, not vice versa
- Farewell, Episcopalians?
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell Songwriting
- Worth checking out: Laghdú
- It feels like a new era...
- A Timely Word for Today
- My 2014 reading in review
- St. Thomas More's Prayer for Good Humor
- A Pearls Pun for Friday
- Is the goal to win the argument?
- Some serious time travel going on here
- A little piano music for the season
- Deliver Us
- The War of Christmas
- I'm not really an opera guy but this is still amazing:
- Resonating strongly with me this morning:
- Winnie the Dude
- O Bother, Where Art Thou?
- Living the Bachelor's Life
- Yeah, I only gave Augustine''s "Confessions" 4 stars
- 10 years of blogging
- Ruiz: First Church of Authenticity and Trends
- A few thoughts on Mark Driscoll's Resignation
- Sure, *my* story is complex, but yours?
- Paul counting his privilege as rubbish - Alistair Roberts' take on Philippians 3
- My musical find for the week: Ólafur Arnalds
- Assorted recommended reading
- I'm still reading...
- Fun for Friday: Star Wars without the Music
- MPT: 20 Problems with Progressive Christianity
- Argument is offered to justify the felt judgment...
- Wherein I rag on Aaron Sorkin, do a little bit of my own research, and brag on my completely awesome friends.
- A couple more knocked off the list
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Afternoon: San Diego Edition
- Paul Tripp on the inadequacy of external accountability
- Looking back at my thoughts on the Acts 29 Leadership Change
- Do what he puts before you. Strive to do it well. Pass on what you learned. That’s it.
- The pile keeps shrinking...
- Using HDHomeRun Plus to record H.264 video with Windows Media Center
- Kirk: The Missional Diagnostic Question
- Technology upgrades and how they snowball, home video edition
- Krista Tippett on listening to those of other faiths
- OK, I love Tim Keller for lots of reasons but this one takes the cake
- One down, 25 to go
- Music to Work By: Rostropovich and Britten play Schubert
- Ragamuffin: Music inspired by the Movie
- No More Buying Until I Do Some Reading
- Random thoughts while watching The West Wing tonight
- Lewis, Tolkien, and True Myth
- This is a useful word.
- My Fourth of July:
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Morning
- Mere Fidelity Podcast on NT Wright
- O'Hare Overnight Liveblog
- They Took the Post Down
- Take down that post?
- Some thoughts on the recent EFCA doctrinal survey
- I never think I'm volunteering for too much stuff...
- NT Wright on the intersection of the Bible, ethics, and doctrine
- Gentleness and Respect for all - addressing 'the transgender issue'
- Real Transformation happens when?
- Bullet Points for a Thursday - French edition!
- That's not me! - an update...
- An app idea especially for Cubs fans
- OK, this is pretty cool
- I'm an uncle again!
- How can you not love this kid?
- Bullet Points for a Thursday
- This Time I Can Stay - reflections on the music of a friend
- One more Supreme Court amusement
- A Serious Argument over a Traffic Stop, or, Why I Love Reading Supreme Court Decisions
- Goerend: This Session Should Have Been A Blog Post
- Why I'm Leaving the Evangelical Theology blog wars
- That's not me!
- Which artist had the impact?
- A Startling Bit of Insight
- Humility
- In which I gripe about my home media center travails
- We need more neighbors
- Star Wars music on an amazing pipe organ
- Bullet Points for a Tuesday Evening
- On Being Allowed to Grow Up
- The difference a decade makes
- Not everything that calls itself a church is really a church.
- My Swedish Doppelganger
- To be a Christian is to believe that all political ideologies are suspect.
- A couple thoughts about Christian celebrity
- How can suburban churches minister to urban areas?
- Bullet Points for a Monday #5
- The Importance of Accountability
- OK, so I bailed on Octopress
- Practical Worship Leading Ideas
- Do Praise Bands speak a Secret Language?
- Happening This Weekend
- The Healing of the Open Road
- The Lost World of Genesis One
- A Valentine's Eve Win
- In Appreciation of Both Sides of the Creation Debate
- Notes from the Creation Debate
- Spike Jonze' 'Her'
- Where Are The Christian Daddy Blogs?
- The Unruly Beginning of the Muppets
- There's truth here
- "I am utterly unworthy to offer any critique of these mysteries"
- Ben Myers' Canon Fodder
- A Cheap Pun for your Wednesday
- My Podcast Listening circa January 2014
- On Selling Books
- Books I read in 2013
- A little inspired art
- The last word on Mark Driscoll for a while
- Fitch on Driscoll: why doesn't he just repent?
- Follow-up thoughts on Mark Driscoll, Plagiarism, and Power
- Carols for Christmas (reprise)
- Correlation and Causation
- Called to be faithful, not famous
- Accepting truth, discarding error
- Dave Ramsey, Sacred Cow
- A Pakistani cover of Brubeck's Take Five
- The Joy of the Gospel
- Jim Belcher, "In Search of Deep Faith"
- The command to love my neighbour as myself still retains its claim upon me
- Today I did something I've never done before...
- About those doubts and questions
- Many Happy Returns
- Cue the Vangelis soundtrack...
- The proper evangelical attitude toward sinful behavior outside the church
- A Calvinist at the Pearly Gates
- Something to lighten the mood...
- A story of two men
- "To be astonishing seems to be the mark of God’s great acts..."
- Losing something in the modernization
- I Rest in the Grace of the World
- The proper format for a sermon
- 'Perfect' is just my pathetic attempt to hide
- One more fun musical post for the weekend
- Bluegrass and Bach: Something Relaxing for the Weekend
- Recommended reading: Guilt Factories
- A few thoughts on the "yuck factor" discussion
- Steve Martin & Kermit the Frog play 'Dueling Banjos'
- Does your church have room for me?
- When church and convictions conflict - a personal follow-up
- When church and convictions conflict
- Internet filtering and government 'protection'
- Recommended Reading: The Journey of Ministry
- In which I sing the praises of NewsBlur
- It's Not a Long Leap
- God has not given us a Spirit of Fear
- Four generations at play
- Is this Calvinism's Default Position?
- Tonight's chain of musical thoughts
- The Power of the Pen
- Happily After All
- Where are the voices? Boz Tchividjian has strong words on the SGM mess.
- Happy Birthday to Becky!
- T4G and TGC break their silence on Mahaney
- A Rich Mullins... movie?
- Facing the truth about ourselves
- Telling the Tales of the Scarring War with Sin
- A year off the Internet
- New-to-me Music Monday
- Graffiti vs. real change
- Celebration is a craft I need to learn
- Vatican City is not what you think it is...
- Happy birthday to KP!
- Happy Birthday to the AG
- Richard Beck on Holiness and Hospitality
- Biblicism and the Reformed Evangelical magisterium
- On Book Reviewing and Control
- A follow-up on our Verizon woes
- Amazon AutoRip and Pricing Models
- Be careful what you ask for...
- My running record for this year...
- Going after the dove sellers
- On Playing and Variety
- Verizon Wireless woes
- My 2012 reading
- Carols for Christmas
- Advent... or not
- Closely intertwined
- My Favorite Elected Official
- My India Trip, Days 7 and 8
- Home entertainment setup with a HTPC
- India Trip, days 5 and 6
- India Trip, Days 3 and 4
- My trip to India, Day 1/2
- In an alternate universe...
- Standing Desk Update
- Andrew Peterson - Light for the Lost Boy
- Single Payer
- Three careers I could've pursued but didn't
- I just wanna be Andy Gullahorn
- Church and Community
- One of the dangers of a standing desk...
- Standing Up (at my desk)
- "When I Was A Child I Read Books" by Marilynne Robinson
- The sure sign that I'm not blogging enough...
- Some Android / iPhone follow-up
- Why I'm ditching my Android and getting an iPhone
- Chicken and Friends and Eternity
- My daughter does awesome book recommendations
- L'audace, or, he killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day
- Antihistamine Money
- The Anxious Christian - Rhett Smith
- The Road Trip that Changed the World - Mark Sayers
- N. T. Wright sings
- What I wrote to 16,000 people
- What would you say to 16,000 people?
- Leonard the Lonely Astronaut
- Some thoughts on Matt Chandler's move to lead Acts 29
- 15 Reasons to Show Grace
- Happy Birthday, Number Three!
- Happy Birthday, Addie G!
- The people of God are like... a political advance team
- Bullet Points for a Monday #4
- Second-guessing God
- Stringfellow on Revelation
- William Stringfellow: "An Ethic for Christians & Other Aliens In A Strange Land
- My 2011 Reading
- I didn't know you would be /you/
- Last night I convinced myself...
- Thankful
- Thanks, G.
- Are we overly focused on the cross?
- The Axes of Evil: A Halloween Groaner
- My brain is full: a quick clarification
- My brain is full, part 2
- My brain is full; it is my soul that needs fed.
- Jesus as the great "I Got You"
- On parenthood and life
- Robert Esher Hubbs III, 1939 - 2011
- Trying Someplace New
- A long-delayed update
- Off the wagon
- Decaffeinating
- Hard, true words from @tallskinnykiwi
- So I'm gonna do this...
- The desire of every blogger
- Learning to run
- More about church efficiency and effectiveness
- Who decided that efficiency and effectiveness were the highest values for ministry?
- Seeing the people instead of the system
- A Rant about a Church Sign
- Moving at the speed of love
- My 5K Playlist for Hog Wild Days
- The right kind of tolerance
- Awesome morning music mix
- Bad Christian Art
- Running again
- Love your enemy: within a divided self
- Good Things in April 2011
- The Royal Wedding: This, Too, Shall Pass
- Some thoughts on the proposed new mission statement for Stonebridge
- Sometimes it takes me some time
- Good things in March 2011
- A first look at Amazon Cloud Drive and Amazon Cloud Player
- Playing Games
- Introverts in the Church
- Christ Liveth In Me
- Slowing Down
- Evaluating Restaurant Catch-Phrases
- Sacred Unions, Sacred Passions
- The hazards of church music...
- Books in my reading queue
- Rain, Rain, Go Away
- Whom then shall I fear?
- Some resolutions
- A Good Customer Service story featuring U. S. Cellular
- Homeschooling as "normal"
- Imagining a different narrator for a favorite song
- Another take on 'Hipster Christianity'
- 15 Records
- Found this little gem last night...
- Also Bring Cold Water
- The Perils of Hipster Christianity
- A day with family
- 12 years
- Learning to spell a new word, or, how do you spell 'blerg'?
- Another thought on church shopping and polarization
- Church shopping and cultural polarization
- So, I just invented a new word.
- Well, we joined.
- Staying Organized: What Tools should I Use?
- The freedom to chill the heck out
- Doctrine good, stories bad?
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning #5
- Another interesting thing about the Canadian anthem
- On the superiority of the Canadian national anthem
- I am now spoiled to commercial air travel forever
- Sometimes knowing too much is a bad thing
- Partaking "in an unworthy manner"
- Going To Morrow
- Now Playing: Brian Eno <em>Ambient 1: Music for Airports</em>
- Offering right sacrifices
- Tales from THE SNOWPOCALYPSE, Day 2
- Bullet points for a Monday #3
- Orangeburg
- Not exactly to plan
- What Would Jesus Want Us To Think about Healthcare Reform? a Quick Response
- Joining up... or not
- Catalyst Compassion "Moment": Amazing or Exploitive?
- Phrases that stick with you
- The Patient Notebook
- Bullet points for a Monday Morning #4
- The "Left Behind" influence on the Religious Right
- I suppose there was a time I thought staying up all night was cool...
- Getting rid of the Dish: the Philosophical Post
- Not being able to do it all
- Taking Reproof Seriously
- Getting rid of the Dish: The Nerd Post
- Taking Worship Seriously
- Adventures in Home Ownership, Part 17
- Bullet Points for a Friday #2
- A Rant on Amazon's Super Saver Shipping
- Fever° Version 1.01
- Shaun Inman's "Fever" a day later
- A first look at Shaun Inman's "Fever"
- There are no chapter titles
- Fox News, knee-jerk reactions, and out-of-context statements
- 10 years
- Canadian Travels and Weird Internet Friends
- Bullet Points for a Friday Morning #3
- Moving beyond the "what" to the "why"
- News to make my day cheerier
- More busy than a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest
- Home again, home again... (new baby edition)
- It's a girl!
- Who says you have to spend a lot?
- The Waiting Game
- A dilemma of sorts
- Book Review: <em>The Echo Within</em> by Robert Benson
- Bullet points for a Tuesday Morning #2
- Book I Read: <em>The Weapon</em> by David Poyer
- Adventures with Hot Water, or, Providential Timing Once Again
- Book Review: <em>The Jazz Ear: Conversations Over Music</em> by Ben Ratliff
- Book Review: <em>Ender In Exile</em> by Orson Scott Card
- There might be something to this Facebook thing...
- Book Review: <em>The Anglo Files: A Field Guide to the British</em> by Sarah Lyall
- Book Review: <em>Jesus and the Victory of God</em> by N. T. Wright
- Book Review: <em>The Philosopher's Apprentice</em> by James Morrow
- Bullet Points for a Friday Morning #2
- The Church Search: A Conclusion of Sorts
- How do I know when to...?
- Brrrrrrrrrr.....
- What's this place about, anyway?
- Book Review: <em>The King of Sting</em> by Craig Glazer and Sal Manna
- Book Review: <em>Ring</em> by Stephen Baxter
- 2008: A Year of Reading in Review
- Wedding bells, etc
- Christmas 2008 wrap-up
- My current songwriting struggle
- Just Us at Christmas
- More Ketchup!
- A fun evening, a late night, and musical kinship
- Sometimes Things Don't Turn Out Like You Expect
- Everybody's Working for the Weekend
- A College Football Playoff Proposal
- Road trip time!
- How do you select/appoint elders?
- The Church Search, Week 7
- What to do about "gay marriage", part 2
- Recognizing the civil-religious disconnect, or, "what to do about 'gay marriage'"
- Do you want to play with me?
- Happiness is... another new pen.
- A weird iPod Genius playlist bug
- Bullet Points for a Thursday Morning #2
- The Church Search, Week 5
- Happy Birthday, Mom (2008 edition)!
- Good friends say things like this
- Post-Election Thoughts
- Culture Warrior or Disciple?
- Election 2008: I voted
- I will not fear
- Election Eve
- The Church Search, Week 4
- The Church Search, Week 4 Preview
- Book Review: <em>How Would Jesus Vote?</em> by D. James Kennedy
- Gilbert & Sullivan & an embarassing admission
- They are soon gone, and we fly away
- Yet another reason I love my brother...
- Observations from the weekend
- The Church Search, Week 3
- Time for some piano music
- Short list got shorter
- Buffalo Chicken Dip recipe
- An end-times deal-breaker
- The Church Search, Week 2
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 30 or so
- Living Life Together
- Who, Me?
- Matthew Paul Turner's <em>Churched</em>: A Review
- 4 years, 1001 posts
- Rainsoft of NE Iowa: A follow-up
- The Church Search, Week 1
- The Church Search, Week 1 Preview
- Listening
- Thinking through the presidential politics
- And tell them we are men
- "I trust that age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety."
- Take me out to the ballgame...
- Trying to describe Watership Down
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 12
- Random question for the morning
- Beginning the church search
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 5
- Scot McKnight's "The Blue Parakeet" - a review
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 4
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 2
- Why I dislike salespeople - or at least their tactics
- Changes Coming
- Watching our tone
- How much experience have presidential and VP candidates had?
- Book Review: Wild Goose Chase
- Denver
- its wisdom, who can measure?
- Beautiful quote from a friend today
- Finding the right Saturday-night service time
- Wrestling with ideas about church membership
- Bullet points for a Monday Morning #3
- 100 Books
- Book Review: The Healing Choice
- Happy birthday Laura (2008 edition)!
- Washington Vacation 2008: The Wedding
- A call for plot creativity, or, Why is it always the Christians?
- C. S. Lewis on Consistency in the Worship Service
- Washington Vacation 2008: The Beach
- An apology of sorts
- The Flat Tire
- In Seattle
- Packing for the trip
- T-minus 7d
- Ten
- Counting down the days...
- Top Ten Movies
- I tried Opera for a day
- Slowly regaining normalcy
- A short Friday night update
- Yeah, that's our downtown.
- Sucking it up
- And it rained all day...
- The passing of another weekend
- Bunk beds
- Bullet Points from Montreal
- Montreal
- Muppet Imitations
- Tuesday morning this'n'that
- Starting a new tradition (or, a good excuse for ice cream)
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning #2
- Softball 2008!
- ...with some frosting...
- Another adventure in new music
- It's spring... finally!
- I feel like such a homebody
- Bullet Points for a Tuesday Morning
- Feed Demon Issues... Hello Google Reader?
- Four
- The Strange Story of Easter: Surprised by Hope, Chapter 4
- Early Christian Hope in Its Historical Setting: Surprised by Hope, Chapter 3
- Christians and Sin in the Movies
- Puzzled About Paradise? Surprised by Hope, Chapter 2
- Wrestling with Tom: Surprised by Hope, Chapter 1
- Easter Thoughts
- On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
- Happy Birthday, Addison Grace!
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- Happy Birthday to me... a little early/late
- Wrestling with Tom: An American Evangelical's coming-to-grips with N. T. Wright's Surprised By Hope
- Another post from Augusta
- No, I don't play golf...
- Tim Keller's The Reason For God - a review
- Another Half a Foot
- An equation of insanity
- I'm it.
- Putting on the miles
- Comparing Services
- Bullet points for a Thursday Morning
- In belated praise of Once
- The importance of training others
- Putting my talents to some profit
- Rich Mullins' A Liturgy, a Legacy, and a Ragamuffin Band
- A study in personalities, or, Mom was right
- Wait, it's Monday?
- Bullet points for a Wednesday
- Creating the routine
- D-Day Timeline
- It's a big day
- 2007 in Books: Chris's Reading in Review
- Becoming a Caring Church
- Songs for the Inaugural Service
- Home after Christmas
- Details to remember for your first worship service
- Selecting music for an inaugural service
- Wrapping things up
- Building a worship team
- Contentment
- 'Tis the season to be jolly and joyous...
- Christmas shopping complete in record time
- If I were from England, I'd be unhappy
- Bullet Points for a Friday Morning
- The travails of travel
- On the road again...
- Coming in Boldly
- Ideas for Effective Ministry, Part 2: Active Oversight
- Ideas for Effective Ministry, Part 1: Don't Overload the Workers
- Ideas for Effective Ministry - Introduction
- I've been found out.
- I love the smell of comment spam in the mornings... and other thoughts for Friday
- Making the switch
- Halloween at Work
- David Wilcox at CSPS
- Bullet points for a Monday #2
- No Excuses
- Most any update is better than none...
- Convergence: Death of a PDA, Expiration of a Cell Contract
- Oklahoma City
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning
- The Doctor says: Don't Blink
- Should this really be our fight?
- $1.05
- Odds and Ends Sep 2007
- Changes in the works
- Happiness is... a new pen.
- An update of sorts
- It's not Monday, it just feels like it.
- Well, I asked.
- Caedmon's Call - Overdressed
- Bullet Points for a Monday
- How can it be so hard to leave town?
- New Specs
- Seattle
- Headed Out, West Coast Edition
- New Orleans: Music and all that Jazz
- A real post - sort of
- New Orleans Impressions
- Bullet Points for a Friday
- New Orleans: FAA SW DER Conference
- Bullet Points on a Friday
- Drying out
- It happened again.
- The Challenges and Blessings of Hospitality
- It's a trap!
- Evaluating alternative iPod management software
- A little bit sore
- It's Monday again already?!?
- Somebody's leaving tracts in the bathroom again...
- What day is it again?
- Ah, Home
- Blue Man!
- Nine Years
- Orlando
- Ready for a break
- Notes on a Tuesday Morning
- Sheesh, It's Monday already?!?
- Satisfaction
- Not again!
- iPod today?
- Bullet Points for Friday
- The trip to Best Buy, or, why you should think when you design a computer system.
- I just want my iPod back...
- Good Qualities for a...
- Back online
- Playing the Waiting Game
- Bullet Points from the Weekend
- iPod Replacement: A for Effort, D for Results
- Taking the Plunge to Dish
- Fun with Family
- iPod: the continuing saga
- iPod Blues
- Heading home from DC
- ...leaving on a jet plane...
- Chapter 11: In which Chris hears a familiar song in the unlikliest of places.
- A Post In Which Chris Elaborates On Two Unrelated Songs
- Devil's Lake Camping Trip
- Camping!
- 24 Hours of the Hubbs: A Celebration of the Mundane
- A much-needed improvement...
- Flying it!
- Softball 2007
- Good Motivation
- Random Thought #2
- At Becky's request... more pictures!
- A time to read...
- New toy coming...
- Sunday Sermon
- Stuff
- Back home... at least for a day
- Entering the Whirlwind
- Name That Tune
- A real post
- A Resolution
- Which comes first: committment or vision?
- Paradise Pens Customer Service: Top Notch
- Billboards from God
- A good time was had by all...
- Party Time
- In Praise of Good Customer Service
- Thoughts on Washington DC
- Getting back on track
- Off to the market to buy a fat pig...
- Visiting Uncle Sam
- Finally done
- Making progress
- I fought the door, and the door won
- I think I pulled something...
- Odds and Ends Feb 2007
- Pick Chris's Reading List: Hell's Best Kept Secret
- Pick Chris's Reading List: Velvet Elvis
- You'd think I'd learn...
- I skipped the State of the Union
- Random Thoughts on... Classical Music, Second Edition
- Goodbye, Krispy Kreme
- Word of the day: anent
- Pick Chris's Reading List: Taliesin (Book 1 of the Pendragon Cycle)
- The Great New Year's Eve Flood of Aught-Six
- Heading Home
- The Penguin, and New Friends
- Post-Christmas Mayhem
- 35 years and counting...
- Christmas!
- Christmas Eve
- Never buy a Unicorn when it's Sleeping.
- Back on the Road
- Nashville
- The road goes ever on and on...
- Packing Up and Heading Out
- Thoughts on Consumerism
- Google Reader adds "sort by oldest"
- Pick Chris's Reading List: The Russian Debutante's Handbook
- The Usual?
- An Update
- Swearing on the Koran
- An AP Concert Weekend
- Something to think about...
- Pick Chris's Reading List: And Then There Were None
- Early in the Morning
- Building Up Endurance
- A Time for Giving Thanks
- Random Thought
- One last time...
- Pick Chris's Reading List
- Plans Change
- Adventures in Fatherhood
- Get out and vote!
- Dr. John Stackhouse on Christians' Political Concerns
- Tuesday Riff on CCM
- Seasons
- Best-laid plans... don't always work out.
- Thank goodness for the weekend!
- Gotta run...
- The Interweb is Fun!
- Goodbye FeedLounge, Hello, Google Reader!
- Gracious Words
- DG2006: The Audio is Up
- DG2006: Piper rebukes Driscoll's "cleverness"
- Desiring God 2006 National Conference
- Things are changing
- Spartan Fund Run 5K
- Don't know much about... anything!
- This 'n' that
- Last training run
- It's Wednesday, but Saturday's coming
- Your update for the week
- Park Concert coming up...
- Today's lesson: Air Conditioner drain lines
- All sorts of wacky stuff
- Sunset
- Running
- Sonic is coming!
- Odds and Ends August 2006
- More running
- It's time for a break...
- 'Cause we're all praying for the ice to break...
- The new monitor's here!
- Feeling Squeezed
- This is why I wear a belt
- geek alert
- My first training run
- I'm back home...
- Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go...
- Taking the Plunge
- Everybody loves a party!
- Happy Birthday Laura!
- Random Thoughts on Classical Music
- A fun weekend...
- Random Thoughts on Church Attire
- Bits and Pieces
- Traveling Adventures
- I had that dream again...
- What A Difference the Shoes Make
- I love used CDs
- Chance Meetings with Friends
- Holiday and Vacation
- Atlanta: Impressions
- Road Trip: Andy O CD Release Show
- Well whaddaya know?
- Today's Lesson: Motor Mounts
- road tripping
- I'm sore... but I think it feels good.
- It's Monday already...
- weekend, where did you go?
- Happy Birthday, Becky!
- Enough DaVinci, already!
- Softball as it was meant to be
- How far do we go to be "relevant"?
- Follow-up on the technology saga
- it's not my week for technology
- A slide projector... and a bedsheet!
- Stereophonic Multimedia Event
- Mitt Happens
- The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends
- BookJournal: Xenocide
- more odds and ends for May 2006
- Andrew Osenga - The Morning
- It's Monday again...
- Caedmon's Call, Dubuque, IA, 4/23/06
- going to see Caedmon's...
- a time of refreshing
- another week
- play time
- Springtime!
- youth time
- The Joy of Friends and Fellowship
- opening day
- They're back...
- New Music
- they're leaving... but they're coming back.
- odds and ends March 2006
- the web sites can wait
- short on sleep but full of joy...
- a new addition
- starting out hectic
- so nice to be busy again...
- Welcome to Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key!
- I still feel the same... a follow-up.
- time for a facelift
- too much new music?
- In The Company of Angels: The World Will Sing
- it's Monday...
- it's snowing!
- Fear, Complexity, Environmental Management in the 21st Century
- Loose ends
- An evil brain teaser
- coffeehouse time
- 10 mistakes conservatives make in art and entertainment
- reasonable theological concern, or overly picky?
- home again, home again...
- ain't it just like Mediacom...
- odds and ends January 2006
- I still feel the same...
- and it comes around to me... "4 things"
- You Probably Shouldn’t Lead Worship Anymore If… - purgatorio
- a good weekend to be off
- the next album I'll have to buy
- finally up and running
- being productive
- BookJournal: Fortunes of War
- FeedLounge!
- iTunes meme
- US Cellular outage in Eastern Iowa
- too many rebates
- Weekend update Jan 2006
- making things
- getting things done
- BookJournal: Stranger in a Strange Land
- worship team follow-up
- worship team stuff
- baby names
- BookJournal: No Uncertain Terms
- well, it's official
- back into the swing of things
- the obligatory new year's post
- BookJournal: PowerSat
- Upgrading the Tivo Hard Drive
- Upgrade complete
- Christmas time is here...
- Christmas shopping... check.
- Just for the record...
- Ben Shive, Harmony, and the Blood of Jesus
- lots of travel, 30 minute interview
- weekend update
- Andy Gullahorn
- I met the Queen of Iowa
- So much to say...
- ok, so I'm a little bit excited...
- I got accepted.
- Things aren't right
- the blessings of a holiday
- I've moved...
- I got accepted... I think...
- it's basketball time...
- It's cold and grey outside...
- Ender's Game
- feeling young
- "A Separate Peace"
- and he lifts up his arms in a blessing for being born again...
- priorities of time
- So I call you my country, and I'll be lonely for my home
- it's a Monday...
- OLN Hockey Blackout
- more odds and ends
- Happy Birthday sis!
- Noelridge Park Church
- The first time I've ever played a concert with somebody riding a cow in the background...
- I'm full!
- a general arrrrrgh... and then woohoo!
- Serendipity
- The Present Future, and associated thoughts
- The church name is changing!
- fun with guitars
- in another life, I would like to be...
- my blog is boring
- feel the beat of a distant thunder...
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 26
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 25
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 24
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 23
- The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 22
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 19
- Worship Team changes...
- Odds and Ends
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 18
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 16
- not all that amusing: a review of Chris Rice's new CD
- My CD wish list
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 15
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 12
- Come On! Feel The Illinoise!
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 11
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 10
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 9 (part 2)
- the sweet relief of work completed
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 9
- a busy weekend
- I bet I'll be missing some meetings...
- the great escape act
- DER Conference, Day 3
- DER Conference, Day 2
- DER Conference, Day 1
- On the road...
- wait, don't work on it yet...
- Randall Goodgame, where have you been all my life?
- nothing is constant except change
- a busy week...
- occasional down time
- The day I became Fred's hero
- Sahara
- A nice weekend
- A little less wise
- Cakeboy? Who the heck is Cakeboy?
- Time to start studying
- I should have my geek status revoked
- new horizons in wife appreciation
- boredom
- The process of the Christian life...
- What's in a name?
- Mr. Murphy works on Sundays
- random Saturday thoughts
- are you trying to teach me something?
- ...and the streak is at 6
- Musical Baton
- Moody Review: Gary Haugen
- Home!
- Moody Conference, Day 4
- Moody Observations, Day 2
- Moody Conference Day 2
- Moody Conference Day 1
- longest... day... ever...
- Happy Birthday Andrew!
- here goes nothin'
- she's graduated!
- Music, family style... for real.
- Call me Mr. Fix-it
- I've been replaced by a machine!
- I need a musician...
- a busy month...
- making music, family style
- "energy dependence"
- softball starts tonight!
- zzzzzzzzz.....
- The war by? on? Christians in America...
- bleary eyed
- sticking to our guns
- slowly getting more out of touch...
- well, no projects this weekend...
- projects
- softball..... finally!
- preaching on short notice...
- nowadays the world is lit by lightning
- softball...
- it's a blog...
- Thanks Geof!
- the joys of web design...
- elder = older?
- Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places...
- another year older...
- Are online friends weird?
- Foolish?
- Old music... great memories
- OK, so I'm not posting often enough...
- getting older...
- network downtime...
- another week, another concert...
- an excellent concert...
- it's over....
- Death by Advertising...
- My second post...
- This is my first post...