Latest Update
Two hours of academic assembly at the high school this morning. Youngest daughter recognized for lots of participation and achievements. Proud of her.
My backside, though, was not designed for sitting on a gymnasium bleacher for two hours straight. Oof.
Orchestra choir rehearsal yesterday afternoon means I’ve had Mozart’s Requiem in my head all day today so far.
I mean, there are worse things…
Full Post List
- Opening Day 2025
- American culture: a 'negative world' for Christianity?
- The danger of sharpening the self-will of nations through religion
- I'm all caught up...
- It's almost MacBook time...
- Defenselessness is what makes love indestructible
- Joyful and Unprofitable Pursuits
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning
- It’s So Much
- My photo library backup strategy, circa 2025
- Review: The Widening of God's Mercy by Drs. Christopher and Richard Hays
- Curiosity → Attention → Love
- The great privilege of great power is an incuriosity about those who lack it.
- On Jimmy Carter and Evangelical salvation anxiety
- Some thoughts on my first EV experience: driving a Tesla Model Y for 3 weeks
- My 2024 Reading In Review
- A Christian is distinguished by his radical esteem for the Incarnation
- Faith is more about longing and thirsting than knowing and possessing
- High enough anxiety
- Sin as Debt: Thoughts after reading David Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years
- Sharing my own music for the season: Carols for Christmas (piano instrumentals)
- A few thoughts on formation
- Marjorie May (Stepp) Hubbs Obituary
- Remembering Marjorie (Stepp) Hubbs, 1930 - 2024
- Installing OpenGarage
- On Killing First and Loving Your Enemies
- John Gruber: How It Went
- "Leave it to good old Jesus and the rest of His family..."
- Small Wonders: The Pixies Are In the Attic
- Life’s too short for uninteresting books
- Today the blog turns 20
- Marilynne Robinson on Community and Absence
- Looking back or looking forward? Reading Ivan Illich up against Ilia Delio
- Recommended reading: Excavating AI
- Recommended podcast: Chris E. W. Green's Speakeasy Theology
- You can become more holy by becoming more merciful
- Bryce Harper: Mentoring at 1B
- In Which Chris & Becky Visit Yale
- The blessing of the dedicated civil servant
- David Bentley Hart’s “The Experience of God”
- Bullet Points for a very hot Monday Afternoon
- Henri Nouwen: An alert and aware spiritual life
- Rethinking who are "The Normal Ones"? A.R. Moxon nails it.
- New Boeing CEO: Kelly Ortburg
- 2024 Reads: Making All Things New by Ilia Delio
- Matt Tebbe on how supremacy systems work
- Belatedly catching up on Star Trek Discovery Season 5. What am I watching again?
- Lamb of the Free by Andrew Remington Rillera
- Lego and a weird credit card payment
- Not made for omniscience
- More mess at The Village Church
- A couple recommended reads: Trusting your Heart, and Christianity as an MLM
- Am I coming or going?
- Worth a watch: Thelma
- Some quick thoughts as I synthesize Beck and Delio this morning...
- A couple recommended newsletter reads
- 2024 Reads: A Window to the Divine by Zachary Hayes, OFM
- Family vacation recap: DC and NYC
- Rosaria Butterfield and the trajectory toward anti-LGBTQ violence
- 25 years!
- The reality gap
- Bullet Points for a Friday
- Because I need more piano music...
- A radicalizing NYPD-Columbia Education
- I may have become the stereotypical liberal exvangelical.
- Jennifer Knapp: Kansas 25
- A. R. Moxon: War or Nothing
- Finished reading: Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson
- I'm not claiming any special prescience, but...
- Medieval Christians' perspective on climate change
- Moving my blog to
- Bullet Points for a York Tuesday
- Pictures at an Exhibition for Guitar
- The Exvangelicals by Sarah McCammon
- Bringing joy to people IS bringing glory to God
- Reimagining Orthodoxy
- Did the Emerging Church Fail?
- Donald Bruce "Don" Hubbs, 1949-2024
- The State of my Task Management, 2024
- Recommended Reading: The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory by Tim Alberta
- A short note on Travel Planning
- My 2023 Reading in Review
- Chopin Being Mean
- Reviewing Two Decades of My Thoughts
- Migrating to Eleventy
- Closing down
- In Praise of Humble, Gentle Men
- You get the feeling from reading them that we might be loved
- A Hymn Aptly Chosen
- An Appliance Installation in Four Lowe’s Trips
- Christianity no longer has an Effective Cosmology
- Playing the Jeremiah 17:9 Card
- My own personal Philippians 3
- Fast Car, or, why I'm crying at my desk this morning
- A Tale of Two TV Ministers
- Billionaire Hoarders and “Charity”
- Ten-Year Review
- Catching up with myself
- Protect elders! Ban television!
- Hope springs eternal...
- Supernatural love, found within human love
- A little poetry for Monday night
- Chris E. W. Green on the Beatitudes and Power
- Chris E. W. Green on Christians as a temple for the sake of the world
- Chris E. W. Green on Vocation
- On leaving Twitter, embracing Mastodon, and recommending Ivory
- New on The Bookshelf
- My 2022 Reading in Review
- Stanley Hauerwas on sin, character formation, and fear
- Podcast Recommendation: A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs
- Carter Burwell: polymath film composer
- Liège Waffles!
- Rich Mullins - gone 25 years
- Preparing to launch
- Capon’s Wager on God’s Love
- On LGBTQIA+ Affirmation
- Sympathy for Jesus
- Quick Thoughts after watching Top Gun: Maverick
- Geof F. Morris, 1978-2022
- Waiting for the Lightning
- Essential Jams: ”Fugace” from Bolling’s Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio
- Easter 2022
- Eerie Parallels
- My 2021 Reading in Review
- Keeping theology coupled with cosmology
- Beck: Nationalism and the search for meaning
- Fascinating: 5th Century Byzantine Basilica honoring Female Ministers found in Israel
- The Teaching vs. The Teacher
- Recommended Reading, September 2021
- A 'Christian' nation without empathy
- Richard Beck: hermeneutical self-awareness and a neurotic spiritual nightmare
- An Easter 2021 Meditation
- Teenage Vernacular Update, circa March 2021
- Recent reading: Queer Theology by Linn Marie Tonstad
- Thoughts upon Rush Limbaugh's passing
- Richard Beck: Political detox for evangelicals
- My current side project
- Psalm 126
- 2020 Reading in Review
- Bullet Points, Special Edition: Unpopular Opinions
- Richard Beck on finding Common Cause
- Recommended Reading: Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez
- Michael F. Bird on Social Justice as Christian Love
- By the Waters of Babylon - Joey Weisenberg
- First Day of School, 2020
- "Get Freed"
- To drag knowledge of reality over the threshold of consciousness is an exhausting task...
- God Land by Lyz Lenz — A Belated Review
- 2020 Reading - July/August Roundup
- September
- Quiet
- Incessant
- Fragile
- Devastation
- Ten Years
- Walter Wink on nationalism and the myth of redemptive violence
- Weekend project: bookshelves!
- July 4, 2020
- 2020 Reading - First Half recommendations
- We keep living anyway
- Desperation
- Kermit does Jazz: there's video.
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Also-Rans
- Kermit does Jazz?
- Bullet Points for a Saturday Morning
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: A Liturgy, A Legacy, and a Ragamuffin Band
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Rachmaninov’s Vespers (All Night Vigil)
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Bride of the Noisemakers
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: The Suburbs
- Recommended daily reading: Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Silly Songs with Larry
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Behold the Lamb of God
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Long Line of Leavers
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: When Harry Met Sally
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Go West Young Man
- 10 Albums, 10 Days: Rach 2
- Podcast Listening, Social Distancing Edition
- The poor you will always have with you?
- Adam Young on Hope and Wrestling with God (2)
- Adam Young on Hope and Wrestling with God (1)
- An Iowan's thoughts the morning after the 2020 Caucus
- Journalism I'm Supporting, January 2020
- Slow Reading
- 2019 Reading in Review
- Happy New Year!
- Knives Out
- Frozen II: A Very 2019 Movie
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #5
- In The Shelter: Naming the Gadarene Demoniac
- A High View of Scripture?
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #4
- A justice not to be feared but to be longed for
- Family Movie Night: Chain Reaction (1996)
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning #6
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #3
- Richard Beck: Love in Post-Progressive Christianity
- Time to weed out some candidates
- 21 Years
- Why *wouldn’t* you want to be an egalitarian?
- 2019 Reading, Compendium #2
- These Democrats Should Run for Senate instead of President in 2020
- DBH: Can we relax about "socialism"?
- Finished reading, an early 2019 compendium
- Richard Beck: In defense of heretics
- Today's the day!
- I know nothing about this movie other than what’s in this trailer...
- Opening Day 2019
- Current Earworm
- My latest fascination
- Strange Planet
- Democracy for Republicans
- What systemic repentance might look like for the Evangelical church
- A passion for Jesus and for justice
- My 2018 Reading in Review
- Painful but true words about gifting
- Fans with Bands
- The Cross and the Lynching Tree
- Making the rounds...
- For All The Saints
- Of disappointment and unexpected footwear
- The Emperor and the Empty Tomb
- Chaplain Mike: Exiting the Evangelical Wilderness
- A night with Bruce Hornsby’s brain
- A good word from Jonathan Martin
- Grammar nerdery + Bible reference? You bet I'll post this.
- You are always more ready to hear than we are to pray...
- Being Christians above all else
- Three dimensions of salvation by allegiance
- What are Evangelicals afraid of losing?
- Finished reading: 2018, part five
- Power corrupts. Including religious power.
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Morning, German Edition
- Welcome to America...
- Zahnd: Christianity vs. Biblicism
- Finished reading: 2018, part four
- The Greatest Show pointing to the greatest story
- Christ has made our hearts glad... and is waiting for our politics to catch up
- Albert Mohler, the SBC, and #MeToo
- Utterly stuck in my head
- Finished reading: 2018, part three
- Positive politics: health care
- Bruenig: Dignity in work, dignity in rest
- Fun with time signatures
- It's a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps
- What will happen with the children of post-evangelicals?
- Opening Day 2018
- Is it the beard?
- Found Tonight
- Finished reading: 2018, part two
- Birthday week!
- Geek dad status, part 2
- Geek dad status: unlocked. (Oh let's be honest, this is nothing new...)
- I tried YouTube TV - here's what I found
- Beck: A practical Lenten fasting routine
- These are the deep questions I ask myself...
- Liss: Some questions for those who say the solution is to arm teachers
- Parkland
- Bullet points for a Wednesday morning: travel edition
- Finished reading: where has 2018 gone already?
- The Gospel Coalition has its #MeToo moment
- Positive Politics: Religious Liberty
- Beck: bored with his doubts
- My 2017 reading in review
- Finished reading: 2017 year-end edition
- Church graveyard at night
- Positive Politics: Internet and Technology Policy
- Positive Politics: Education
- Andrew Sullivan on the Gay Wedding Cake Case
- Positive politics: a little bit of foundation
- Thinking in more positive terms about political issues
- Really happy for Scott Frost
- Jesus' Appeal to Human Emotion and Reason
- Some Thoughts on Thoughts and Prayers
- Finished reading: fiction!
- Land of My Sojourn
- A healthier approach to a mid-life crisis...
- Over-reaction?
- Finished reading, part the next
- Andrew Peterson and Friends: The Ragamuffin Album, Live at the Ryman
- Liberty and Holiness
- Finished reading: several more
- Book Blame, Volume 1
- A little random follow-up
- David Bentley Hart, from The Doors of the Sea
- Finished reading: some history, some sci-fi, some theology
- Happiness as Human Flourishing: Matthieu Ricard on On Being
- Yep, still reading...
- Bullet points for a Friday morning, July 2017
- Finished reading: a few more...
- Nineteen
- Finished Reading: People to Be Loved by Preston Sprinkle
- 15-year-old Chris would be in disbelief
- The extraordinary moment...
- Sabbath is a way of life...
- Marilynne Robinson on Cultural Pessimism
- Finished Reading: The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova
- James: Gotta Trust Somebody
- Rands: Assume they have something to teach you
- Finished reading: more books
- Matthew 6, a modern paraphrase
- An open letter of apology to my wife, to be reused as necessary
- Fr. Boules George: A Message to Those Who Kill Us
- Finished reading: The Madame Curie Complex by Julie Des Jardins
- Stop Trying to be a Man - Start Trying to be a Good Man
- Finished reading: Faithful Presence by David Fitch
- Jethani: Blessed Are The Disillusioned
- Finished reading: several books
- We are from the future, embodying that in the here and now
- Finished Reading: The Day the Revolution Began by N. T. Wright
- NTW on 'a central part of the Christian vocation'
- Finished reading: a quick compendium
- Another view of 'love of neighbor'
- Finished reading: Now: The Physics of Time by Richard A. Muller
- Finished reading: Instrumental: A memoir of Madness, Medication, and Music by James Rhodes
- Finished reading: A Wretched and Precarious Situation by David Welky
- Bullet points for a Wednesday afternoon
- Finished reading: The Whistler by John Grisham
- Finished Reading: Reclaiming Hope by Michael Wear
- Finished reading: A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
- Where you get your news matters
- Finished reading: Introduction to the Old Testament by J. Alberto Soggin
- The most moving video I've seen in quite a while...
- Finished reading: How to Survive a Shipwreck by Jonathan Martin
- Thanks, Obama.
- Finished reading: Broken Trust by W.E.B. Griffin
- Finished reading: Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi
- Books I Read in 2016
- Talking Complementarianism and Egalitarianism with Brent Thomas
- Entirely resilient
- This is my new favorite picture and I don't know why
- Recommended reading: The Three-Body Problem
- #FlyTheW
- Bullet Points for a Tuesday Afternoon
- A Little Plastic Surgery for the Body of Christ
- Puttting the work into music in church
- Worship Night in America
- A couple recent podcast episodes worth recommending
- Finished reading: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
- Finished reading: compendium 4
- On Watching the Tonys for the First Time
- Worship Pastor as Tour Guide
- The Beach Boys 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' with the vocals isolated...
- Wise words
- Finished reading: compendium 3
- The worship leader as pastoral musician
- Reading Revelation Responsibly by Michael J. Gorman
- Thoughts on Brian Zahnd and Word of Life Church
- Brian Zahnd's Prayer School
- Hamilton's King George reacts to Donald Trump
- 5/4 day
- Bono and Eugene Peterson discuss the Psalms
- Finished reading: Compendium 2
- The discomfiting presence of a saint
- Finished reading: Partners in Christ: A Conservative Case for Egalitarianism by John G. Stackhouse Jr.
- Finished reading: The Christian Tradition, Vol 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700) by Jaroslav Pelikan
- Christianity as cultural salt
- Finished reading: a couple more
- Finished reading: The Mechanical by Ian Tregillis
- Finished reading: a compendium
- Zierman: Making Room for Others
- A little window on the past
- Finished reading: The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord
- Finished reading: Sisters In Law by Linda Hirshman
- Finished reading: Dylan Goes Electric! by Elijah Wald
- Brian Zahnd on Silence and avoiding angry noise
- Words matter
- Finished reading: Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz-Weber
- Finished reading: Saved From Sacrifice by S. Mark Heim
- By resurrection Jesus is cleared of the scapegoat charges against him...
- Aigner: Reframing Worship Arguments
- Liftoff Episode 12: Geof makes the bigtime
- Music that evokes an emotional response
- Finished reading: The Type B Manager by Victor Lipman
- Finished reading: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
- I should've remembered this from last time...
- I love my daughter's embarrassed-but-pleased-with-herself smile
- Fiet: Wheaton College and the Fear Machine
- Finished reading: How to Watch a Movie by David Thomson
- Meador: on Intervarsity and Black Lives Matter
- Finished reading: Hackers by Steven Levy
- My 2015 Reading Year in Review
- Finished reading: Saturn Run
- Richard Causton, George Szirtes - The Flight
- Hamilton
- The Worship Industry is "Killing Worship"?
- Beck: Let Us Be the Heart Of the Church Rather Than the Amygdala
- Now this is good news!
- The first shoreline of the invisible world
- Some months I need to clone myself, or, Chris gets work done, Orphan Black-style
- Happy Birthday, Laura! (2015 edition)
- 17 Years
- A little early-morning band action
- A little bit of a bozo
- That old, old impulse to tweak and re-write
- May I go through the day calling on you
- A Meal Shared Among Friends
- Infrastructure and the Common Good
- Formation of the Heart
- Too much knowledge about the Bible a bad thing?
- The Benedict Option (i.e. Christian Cultural Withdrawal)
- Capon on Confession
- Revisiting the evangelical worship experience
- Relax
- Popular Movies I've seen over the past 15 years
- Have Safire write up a speech
- The Spiritual Pep Rally
- Some fun for Friday
- American Oligarchy
- And the youngest turns 6...
- The best sports weekend of the year
- Matt Maher: Glory Bound
- Not to deal with sin, but to save...
- Happy Birthday to the AG! (2015 edition)
- Can you name 5 ways the church differs from America?
- Stopping ISIS
- A famous scene minus the dialogue
- Worth reading: an interview with Wendell Berry
- HDHomeRun Extend noisy fan: fix it via OVERKILL!
- Jim Cantore, Minor Prophet
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Morning, 2015 edition
- Worship develops feelings for God, not vice versa
- Farewell, Episcopalians?
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell Songwriting
- Worth checking out: Laghdú
- It feels like a new era...
- A Timely Word for Today
- My 2014 reading in review
- St. Thomas More's Prayer for Good Humor
- A Pearls Pun for Friday
- Is the goal to win the argument?
- Some serious time travel going on here
- A little piano music for the season
- Deliver Us
- The War of Christmas
- I'm not really an opera guy but this is still amazing:
- Resonating strongly with me this morning:
- Winnie the Dude
- O Bother, Where Art Thou?
- Living the Bachelor's Life
- Yeah, I only gave Augustine''s "Confessions" 4 stars
- 10 years of blogging
- Ruiz: First Church of Authenticity and Trends
- A few thoughts on Mark Driscoll's Resignation
- Sure, *my* story is complex, but yours?
- Paul counting his privilege as rubbish - Alistair Roberts' take on Philippians 3
- My musical find for the week: Ólafur Arnalds
- Assorted recommended reading
- I'm still reading...
- Fun for Friday: Star Wars without the Music
- MPT: 20 Problems with Progressive Christianity
- Argument is offered to justify the felt judgment...
- Wherein I rag on Aaron Sorkin, do a little bit of my own research, and brag on my completely awesome friends.
- A couple more knocked off the list
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Afternoon: San Diego Edition
- Paul Tripp on the inadequacy of external accountability
- Looking back at my thoughts on the Acts 29 Leadership Change
- Do what he puts before you. Strive to do it well. Pass on what you learned. That’s it.
- The pile keeps shrinking...
- Using HDHomeRun Plus to record H.264 video with Windows Media Center
- Kirk: The Missional Diagnostic Question
- Technology upgrades and how they snowball, home video edition
- Krista Tippett on listening to those of other faiths
- OK, I love Tim Keller for lots of reasons but this one takes the cake
- One down, 25 to go
- Music to Work By: Rostropovich and Britten play Schubert
- Ragamuffin: Music inspired by the Movie
- No More Buying Until I Do Some Reading
- Random thoughts while watching The West Wing tonight
- Lewis, Tolkien, and True Myth
- This is a useful word.
- My Fourth of July:
- Bullet Points for a Wednesday Morning
- Mere Fidelity Podcast on NT Wright
- O'Hare Overnight Liveblog
- They Took the Post Down
- Take down that post?
- Some thoughts on the recent EFCA doctrinal survey
- I never think I'm volunteering for too much stuff...
- NT Wright on the intersection of the Bible, ethics, and doctrine
- Gentleness and Respect for all - addressing 'the transgender issue'
- Real Transformation happens when?
- Bullet Points for a Thursday - French edition!
- That's not me! - an update...
- An app idea especially for Cubs fans
- OK, this is pretty cool
- I'm an uncle again!
- How can you not love this kid?
- Bullet Points for a Thursday
- This Time I Can Stay - reflections on the music of a friend
- One more Supreme Court amusement
- A Serious Argument over a Traffic Stop, or, Why I Love Reading Supreme Court Decisions
- Goerend: This Session Should Have Been A Blog Post
- Why I'm Leaving the Evangelical Theology blog wars
- That's not me!
- Which artist had the impact?
- A Startling Bit of Insight
- Humility
- In which I gripe about my home media center travails
- We need more neighbors
- Star Wars music on an amazing pipe organ
- Bullet Points for a Tuesday Evening
- On Being Allowed to Grow Up
- The difference a decade makes
- Not everything that calls itself a church is really a church.
- My Swedish Doppelganger
- To be a Christian is to believe that all political ideologies are suspect.
- A couple thoughts about Christian celebrity
- How can suburban churches minister to urban areas?
- Bullet Points for a Monday #5
- The Importance of Accountability
- OK, so I bailed on Octopress
- Practical Worship Leading Ideas
- Do Praise Bands speak a Secret Language?
- Happening This Weekend
- The Healing of the Open Road
- The Lost World of Genesis One
- A Valentine's Eve Win
- In Appreciation of Both Sides of the Creation Debate
- Notes from the Creation Debate
- Spike Jonze' 'Her'
- Where Are The Christian Daddy Blogs?
- The Unruly Beginning of the Muppets
- There's truth here
- "I am utterly unworthy to offer any critique of these mysteries"
- Ben Myers' Canon Fodder
- A Cheap Pun for your Wednesday
- My Podcast Listening circa January 2014
- On Selling Books
- Books I read in 2013
- A little inspired art
- The last word on Mark Driscoll for a while
- Fitch on Driscoll: why doesn't he just repent?
- Follow-up thoughts on Mark Driscoll, Plagiarism, and Power
- Carols for Christmas (reprise)
- Correlation and Causation
- Called to be faithful, not famous
- Accepting truth, discarding error
- Dave Ramsey, Sacred Cow
- A Pakistani cover of Brubeck's Take Five
- The Joy of the Gospel
- Jim Belcher, "In Search of Deep Faith"
- The command to love my neighbour as myself still retains its claim upon me
- Today I did something I've never done before...
- About those doubts and questions
- Many Happy Returns
- Cue the Vangelis soundtrack...
- The proper evangelical attitude toward sinful behavior outside the church
- A Calvinist at the Pearly Gates
- Something to lighten the mood...
- A story of two men
- "To be astonishing seems to be the mark of God’s great acts..."
- Losing something in the modernization
- I Rest in the Grace of the World
- The proper format for a sermon
- 'Perfect' is just my pathetic attempt to hide
- One more fun musical post for the weekend
- Bluegrass and Bach: Something Relaxing for the Weekend
- Recommended reading: Guilt Factories
- A few thoughts on the "yuck factor" discussion
- Steve Martin & Kermit the Frog play 'Dueling Banjos'
- Does your church have room for me?
- When church and convictions conflict - a personal follow-up
- When church and convictions conflict
- Internet filtering and government 'protection'
- Recommended Reading: The Journey of Ministry
- In which I sing the praises of NewsBlur
- It's Not a Long Leap
- God has not given us a Spirit of Fear
- Four generations at play
- Is this Calvinism's Default Position?
- Tonight's chain of musical thoughts
- The Power of the Pen
- Happily After All
- Where are the voices? Boz Tchividjian has strong words on the SGM mess.
- Happy Birthday to Becky!
- T4G and TGC break their silence on Mahaney
- A Rich Mullins... movie?
- Facing the truth about ourselves
- Telling the Tales of the Scarring War with Sin
- A year off the Internet
- New-to-me Music Monday
- Graffiti vs. real change
- Celebration is a craft I need to learn
- Vatican City is not what you think it is...
- Happy birthday to KP!
- Happy Birthday to the AG
- Richard Beck on Holiness and Hospitality
- Biblicism and the Reformed Evangelical magisterium
- On Book Reviewing and Control
- A follow-up on our Verizon woes
- Amazon AutoRip and Pricing Models
- Be careful what you ask for...
- My running record for this year...
- Going after the dove sellers
- On Playing and Variety
- Verizon Wireless woes
- My 2012 reading
- Carols for Christmas
- Advent... or not
- Closely intertwined
- My Favorite Elected Official
- My India Trip, Days 7 and 8
- Home entertainment setup with a HTPC
- India Trip, days 5 and 6
- India Trip, Days 3 and 4
- My trip to India, Day 1/2
- In an alternate universe...
- Standing Desk Update
- Andrew Peterson - Light for the Lost Boy
- Single Payer
- Three careers I could've pursued but didn't
- I just wanna be Andy Gullahorn
- Church and Community
- One of the dangers of a standing desk...
- Standing Up (at my desk)
- "When I Was A Child I Read Books" by Marilynne Robinson
- The sure sign that I'm not blogging enough...
- Some Android / iPhone follow-up
- Why I'm ditching my Android and getting an iPhone
- Chicken and Friends and Eternity
- My daughter does awesome book recommendations
- L'audace, or, he killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day
- Antihistamine Money
- The Anxious Christian - Rhett Smith
- The Road Trip that Changed the World - Mark Sayers
- N. T. Wright sings
- What I wrote to 16,000 people
- What would you say to 16,000 people?
- Leonard the Lonely Astronaut
- Some thoughts on Matt Chandler's move to lead Acts 29
- 15 Reasons to Show Grace
- Happy Birthday, Number Three!
- Happy Birthday, Addie G!
- The people of God are like... a political advance team
- Bullet Points for a Monday #4
- Second-guessing God
- Stringfellow on Revelation
- William Stringfellow: "An Ethic for Christians & Other Aliens In A Strange Land
- My 2011 Reading
- I didn't know you would be /you/
- Last night I convinced myself...
- Thankful
- Thanks, G.
- Are we overly focused on the cross?
- The Axes of Evil: A Halloween Groaner
- My brain is full: a quick clarification
- My brain is full, part 2
- My brain is full; it is my soul that needs fed.
- Jesus as the great "I Got You"
- On parenthood and life
- Robert Esher Hubbs III, 1939 - 2011
- Trying Someplace New
- A long-delayed update
- Off the wagon
- Decaffeinating
- Hard, true words from @tallskinnykiwi
- So I'm gonna do this...
- The desire of every blogger
- Learning to run
- More about church efficiency and effectiveness
- Who decided that efficiency and effectiveness were the highest values for ministry?
- Seeing the people instead of the system
- A Rant about a Church Sign
- Moving at the speed of love
- My 5K Playlist for Hog Wild Days
- The right kind of tolerance
- Awesome morning music mix
- Bad Christian Art
- Running again
- Love your enemy: within a divided self
- Good Things in April 2011
- The Royal Wedding: This, Too, Shall Pass
- Some thoughts on the proposed new mission statement for Stonebridge
- Sometimes it takes me some time
- Good things in March 2011
- A first look at Amazon Cloud Drive and Amazon Cloud Player
- Playing Games
- Introverts in the Church
- Christ Liveth In Me
- Slowing Down
- Evaluating Restaurant Catch-Phrases
- Sacred Unions, Sacred Passions
- The hazards of church music...
- Books in my reading queue
- Rain, Rain, Go Away
- Whom then shall I fear?
- Some resolutions
- A Good Customer Service story featuring U. S. Cellular
- Homeschooling as "normal"
- Imagining a different narrator for a favorite song
- Another take on 'Hipster Christianity'
- 15 Records
- Found this little gem last night...
- Also Bring Cold Water
- The Perils of Hipster Christianity
- A day with family
- 12 years
- Learning to spell a new word, or, how do you spell 'blerg'?
- Another thought on church shopping and polarization
- Church shopping and cultural polarization
- So, I just invented a new word.
- Well, we joined.
- Staying Organized: What Tools should I Use?
- The freedom to chill the heck out
- Doctrine good, stories bad?
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning #5
- Another interesting thing about the Canadian anthem
- On the superiority of the Canadian national anthem
- I am now spoiled to commercial air travel forever
- Sometimes knowing too much is a bad thing
- Partaking "in an unworthy manner"
- Going To Morrow
- Now Playing: Brian Eno <em>Ambient 1: Music for Airports</em>
- Offering right sacrifices
- Tales from THE SNOWPOCALYPSE, Day 2
- Bullet points for a Monday #3
- Orangeburg
- Not exactly to plan
- What Would Jesus Want Us To Think about Healthcare Reform? a Quick Response
- Joining up... or not
- Catalyst Compassion "Moment": Amazing or Exploitive?
- Phrases that stick with you
- The Patient Notebook
- Bullet points for a Monday Morning #4
- The "Left Behind" influence on the Religious Right
- I suppose there was a time I thought staying up all night was cool...
- Getting rid of the Dish: the Philosophical Post
- Not being able to do it all
- Taking Reproof Seriously
- Getting rid of the Dish: The Nerd Post
- Taking Worship Seriously
- Adventures in Home Ownership, Part 17
- Bullet Points for a Friday #2
- A Rant on Amazon's Super Saver Shipping
- Fever° Version 1.01
- Shaun Inman's "Fever" a day later
- A first look at Shaun Inman's "Fever"
- There are no chapter titles
- Fox News, knee-jerk reactions, and out-of-context statements
- 10 years
- Canadian Travels and Weird Internet Friends
- Bullet Points for a Friday Morning #3
- Moving beyond the "what" to the "why"
- News to make my day cheerier
- More busy than a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest
- Home again, home again... (new baby edition)
- It's a girl!
- Who says you have to spend a lot?
- The Waiting Game
- A dilemma of sorts
- Book Review: <em>The Echo Within</em> by Robert Benson
- Bullet points for a Tuesday Morning #2
- Book I Read: <em>The Weapon</em> by David Poyer
- Adventures with Hot Water, or, Providential Timing Once Again
- Book Review: <em>The Jazz Ear: Conversations Over Music</em> by Ben Ratliff
- Book Review: <em>Ender In Exile</em> by Orson Scott Card
- There might be something to this Facebook thing...
- Book Review: <em>The Anglo Files: A Field Guide to the British</em> by Sarah Lyall
- Book Review: <em>Jesus and the Victory of God</em> by N. T. Wright
- Book Review: <em>The Philosopher's Apprentice</em> by James Morrow
- Bullet Points for a Friday Morning #2
- The Church Search: A Conclusion of Sorts
- How do I know when to...?
- Brrrrrrrrrr.....
- What's this place about, anyway?
- Book Review: <em>The King of Sting</em> by Craig Glazer and Sal Manna
- Book Review: <em>Ring</em> by Stephen Baxter
- 2008: A Year of Reading in Review
- Wedding bells, etc
- Christmas 2008 wrap-up
- My current songwriting struggle
- Just Us at Christmas
- More Ketchup!
- A fun evening, a late night, and musical kinship
- Sometimes Things Don't Turn Out Like You Expect
- Everybody's Working for the Weekend
- A College Football Playoff Proposal
- Road trip time!
- How do you select/appoint elders?
- The Church Search, Week 7
- What to do about "gay marriage", part 2
- Recognizing the civil-religious disconnect, or, "what to do about 'gay marriage'"
- Do you want to play with me?
- Happiness is... another new pen.
- A weird iPod Genius playlist bug
- Bullet Points for a Thursday Morning #2
- The Church Search, Week 5
- Happy Birthday, Mom (2008 edition)!
- Good friends say things like this
- Post-Election Thoughts
- Culture Warrior or Disciple?
- Election 2008: I voted
- I will not fear
- Election Eve
- The Church Search, Week 4
- The Church Search, Week 4 Preview
- Book Review: <em>How Would Jesus Vote?</em> by D. James Kennedy
- Gilbert & Sullivan & an embarassing admission
- They are soon gone, and we fly away
- Yet another reason I love my brother...
- Observations from the weekend
- The Church Search, Week 3
- Time for some piano music
- Short list got shorter
- Buffalo Chicken Dip recipe
- An end-times deal-breaker
- The Church Search, Week 2
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 30 or so
- Living Life Together
- Who, Me?
- Matthew Paul Turner's <em>Churched</em>: A Review
- 4 years, 1001 posts
- Rainsoft of NE Iowa: A follow-up
- The Church Search, Week 1
- The Church Search, Week 1 Preview
- Listening
- Thinking through the presidential politics
- And tell them we are men
- "I trust that age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety."
- Take me out to the ballgame...
- Trying to describe Watership Down
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 12
- Random question for the morning
- Beginning the church search
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 5
- Scot McKnight's "The Blue Parakeet" - a review
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 4
- The Coffee Experiment, Day 2
- Why I dislike salespeople - or at least their tactics
- Changes Coming
- Watching our tone
- How much experience have presidential and VP candidates had?
- Book Review: Wild Goose Chase
- Denver
- its wisdom, who can measure?
- Beautiful quote from a friend today
- Finding the right Saturday-night service time
- Wrestling with ideas about church membership
- Bullet points for a Monday Morning #3
- 100 Books
- Book Review: The Healing Choice
- Happy birthday Laura (2008 edition)!
- Washington Vacation 2008: The Wedding
- A call for plot creativity, or, Why is it always the Christians?
- C. S. Lewis on Consistency in the Worship Service
- Washington Vacation 2008: The Beach
- An apology of sorts
- The Flat Tire
- In Seattle
- Packing for the trip
- T-minus 7d
- Ten
- Counting down the days...
- Top Ten Movies
- I tried Opera for a day
- Slowly regaining normalcy
- A short Friday night update
- Yeah, that's our downtown.
- Sucking it up
- And it rained all day...
- The passing of another weekend
- Bunk beds
- Bullet Points from Montreal
- Montreal
- Muppet Imitations
- Tuesday morning this'n'that
- Starting a new tradition (or, a good excuse for ice cream)
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning #2
- Softball 2008!
- ...with some frosting...
- Another adventure in new music
- It's spring... finally!
- I feel like such a homebody
- Bullet Points for a Tuesday Morning
- Feed Demon Issues... Hello Google Reader?
- Four
- The Strange Story of Easter: Surprised by Hope, Chapter 4
- Early Christian Hope in Its Historical Setting: Surprised by Hope, Chapter 3
- Christians and Sin in the Movies
- Puzzled About Paradise? Surprised by Hope, Chapter 2
- Wrestling with Tom: Surprised by Hope, Chapter 1
- Easter Thoughts
- On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
- Happy Birthday, Addison Grace!
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- Happy Birthday to me... a little early/late
- Wrestling with Tom: An American Evangelical's coming-to-grips with N. T. Wright's Surprised By Hope
- Another post from Augusta
- No, I don't play golf...
- Tim Keller's The Reason For God - a review
- Another Half a Foot
- An equation of insanity
- I'm it.
- Putting on the miles
- Comparing Services
- Bullet points for a Thursday Morning
- In belated praise of Once
- The importance of training others
- Putting my talents to some profit
- Rich Mullins' A Liturgy, a Legacy, and a Ragamuffin Band
- A study in personalities, or, Mom was right
- Wait, it's Monday?
- Bullet points for a Wednesday
- Creating the routine
- D-Day Timeline
- It's a big day
- 2007 in Books: Chris's Reading in Review
- Becoming a Caring Church
- Songs for the Inaugural Service
- Home after Christmas
- Details to remember for your first worship service
- Selecting music for an inaugural service
- Wrapping things up
- Building a worship team
- Contentment
- 'Tis the season to be jolly and joyous...
- Christmas shopping complete in record time
- If I were from England, I'd be unhappy
- Bullet Points for a Friday Morning
- The travails of travel
- On the road again...
- Coming in Boldly
- Ideas for Effective Ministry, Part 2: Active Oversight
- Ideas for Effective Ministry, Part 1: Don't Overload the Workers
- Ideas for Effective Ministry - Introduction
- I've been found out.
- I love the smell of comment spam in the mornings... and other thoughts for Friday
- Making the switch
- Halloween at Work
- David Wilcox at CSPS
- Bullet points for a Monday #2
- No Excuses
- Most any update is better than none...
- Convergence: Death of a PDA, Expiration of a Cell Contract
- Oklahoma City
- Bullet Points for a Monday Morning
- The Doctor says: Don't Blink
- Should this really be our fight?
- $1.05
- Odds and Ends Sep 2007
- Changes in the works
- Happiness is... a new pen.
- An update of sorts
- It's not Monday, it just feels like it.
- Well, I asked.
- Caedmon's Call - Overdressed
- Bullet Points for a Monday
- How can it be so hard to leave town?
- New Specs
- Seattle
- Headed Out, West Coast Edition
- New Orleans: Music and all that Jazz
- A real post - sort of
- New Orleans Impressions
- Bullet Points for a Friday
- New Orleans: FAA SW DER Conference
- Bullet Points on a Friday
- Drying out
- It happened again.
- The Challenges and Blessings of Hospitality
- It's a trap!
- Evaluating alternative iPod management software
- A little bit sore
- It's Monday again already?!?
- Somebody's leaving tracts in the bathroom again...
- What day is it again?
- Ah, Home
- Blue Man!
- Nine Years
- Orlando
- Ready for a break
- Notes on a Tuesday Morning
- Sheesh, It's Monday already?!?
- Satisfaction
- Not again!
- iPod today?
- Bullet Points for Friday
- The trip to Best Buy, or, why you should think when you design a computer system.
- I just want my iPod back...
- Good Qualities for a...
- Back online
- Playing the Waiting Game
- Bullet Points from the Weekend
- iPod Replacement: A for Effort, D for Results
- Taking the Plunge to Dish
- Fun with Family
- iPod: the continuing saga
- iPod Blues
- Heading home from DC
- ...leaving on a jet plane...
- Chapter 11: In which Chris hears a familiar song in the unlikliest of places.
- A Post In Which Chris Elaborates On Two Unrelated Songs
- Devil's Lake Camping Trip
- Camping!
- 24 Hours of the Hubbs: A Celebration of the Mundane
- A much-needed improvement...
- Flying it!
- Softball 2007
- Good Motivation
- Random Thought #2
- At Becky's request... more pictures!
- A time to read...
- New toy coming...
- Sunday Sermon
- Stuff
- Back home... at least for a day
- Entering the Whirlwind
- Name That Tune
- A real post
- A Resolution
- Which comes first: committment or vision?
- Paradise Pens Customer Service: Top Notch
- Billboards from God
- A good time was had by all...
- Party Time
- In Praise of Good Customer Service
- Thoughts on Washington DC
- Getting back on track
- Off to the market to buy a fat pig...
- Visiting Uncle Sam
- Finally done
- Making progress
- I fought the door, and the door won
- I think I pulled something...
- Odds and Ends Feb 2007
- Pick Chris's Reading List: Hell's Best Kept Secret
- Pick Chris's Reading List: Velvet Elvis
- You'd think I'd learn...
- I skipped the State of the Union
- Random Thoughts on... Classical Music, Second Edition
- Goodbye, Krispy Kreme
- Word of the day: anent
- Pick Chris's Reading List: Taliesin (Book 1 of the Pendragon Cycle)
- The Great New Year's Eve Flood of Aught-Six
- Heading Home
- The Penguin, and New Friends
- Post-Christmas Mayhem
- 35 years and counting...
- Christmas!
- Christmas Eve
- Never buy a Unicorn when it's Sleeping.
- Back on the Road
- Nashville
- The road goes ever on and on...
- Packing Up and Heading Out
- Thoughts on Consumerism
- Google Reader adds "sort by oldest"
- Pick Chris's Reading List: The Russian Debutante's Handbook
- The Usual?
- An Update
- Swearing on the Koran
- An AP Concert Weekend
- Something to think about...
- Pick Chris's Reading List: And Then There Were None
- Early in the Morning
- Building Up Endurance
- A Time for Giving Thanks
- Random Thought
- One last time...
- Pick Chris's Reading List
- Plans Change
- Adventures in Fatherhood
- Get out and vote!
- Dr. John Stackhouse on Christians' Political Concerns
- Tuesday Riff on CCM
- Seasons
- Best-laid plans... don't always work out.
- Thank goodness for the weekend!
- Gotta run...
- The Interweb is Fun!
- Goodbye FeedLounge, Hello, Google Reader!
- Gracious Words
- DG2006: The Audio is Up
- DG2006: Piper rebukes Driscoll's "cleverness"
- Desiring God 2006 National Conference
- Things are changing
- Spartan Fund Run 5K
- Don't know much about... anything!
- This 'n' that
- Last training run
- It's Wednesday, but Saturday's coming
- Your update for the week
- Park Concert coming up...
- Today's lesson: Air Conditioner drain lines
- All sorts of wacky stuff
- Sunset
- Running
- Sonic is coming!
- Odds and Ends August 2006
- More running
- It's time for a break...
- 'Cause we're all praying for the ice to break...
- The new monitor's here!
- Feeling Squeezed
- This is why I wear a belt
- geek alert
- My first training run
- I'm back home...
- Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go...
- Taking the Plunge
- Everybody loves a party!
- Happy Birthday Laura!
- Random Thoughts on Classical Music
- A fun weekend...
- Random Thoughts on Church Attire
- Bits and Pieces
- Traveling Adventures
- I had that dream again...
- What A Difference the Shoes Make
- I love used CDs
- Chance Meetings with Friends
- Holiday and Vacation
- Atlanta: Impressions
- Road Trip: Andy O CD Release Show
- Well whaddaya know?
- Today's Lesson: Motor Mounts
- road tripping
- I'm sore... but I think it feels good.
- It's Monday already...
- weekend, where did you go?
- Happy Birthday, Becky!
- Enough DaVinci, already!
- Softball as it was meant to be
- How far do we go to be "relevant"?
- Follow-up on the technology saga
- it's not my week for technology
- A slide projector... and a bedsheet!
- Stereophonic Multimedia Event
- Mitt Happens
- The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends
- BookJournal: Xenocide
- more odds and ends for May 2006
- Andrew Osenga - The Morning
- It's Monday again...
- Caedmon's Call, Dubuque, IA, 4/23/06
- going to see Caedmon's...
- a time of refreshing
- another week
- play time
- Springtime!
- youth time
- The Joy of Friends and Fellowship
- opening day
- They're back...
- New Music
- they're leaving... but they're coming back.
- odds and ends March 2006
- the web sites can wait
- short on sleep but full of joy...
- a new addition
- starting out hectic
- so nice to be busy again...
- Welcome to Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key!
- I still feel the same... a follow-up.
- time for a facelift
- too much new music?
- In The Company of Angels: The World Will Sing
- it's Monday...
- it's snowing!
- Fear, Complexity, Environmental Management in the 21st Century
- Loose ends
- An evil brain teaser
- coffeehouse time
- 10 mistakes conservatives make in art and entertainment
- reasonable theological concern, or overly picky?
- home again, home again...
- ain't it just like Mediacom...
- odds and ends January 2006
- I still feel the same...
- and it comes around to me... "4 things"
- You Probably Shouldn’t Lead Worship Anymore If… - purgatorio
- a good weekend to be off
- the next album I'll have to buy
- finally up and running
- being productive
- BookJournal: Fortunes of War
- FeedLounge!
- iTunes meme
- US Cellular outage in Eastern Iowa
- too many rebates
- Weekend update Jan 2006
- making things
- getting things done
- BookJournal: Stranger in a Strange Land
- worship team follow-up
- worship team stuff
- baby names
- BookJournal: No Uncertain Terms
- well, it's official
- back into the swing of things
- the obligatory new year's post
- BookJournal: PowerSat
- Upgrading the Tivo Hard Drive
- Upgrade complete
- Christmas time is here...
- Christmas shopping... check.
- Just for the record...
- Ben Shive, Harmony, and the Blood of Jesus
- lots of travel, 30 minute interview
- weekend update
- Andy Gullahorn
- I met the Queen of Iowa
- So much to say...
- ok, so I'm a little bit excited...
- I got accepted.
- Things aren't right
- the blessings of a holiday
- I've moved...
- I got accepted... I think...
- it's basketball time...
- It's cold and grey outside...
- Ender's Game
- feeling young
- "A Separate Peace"
- and he lifts up his arms in a blessing for being born again...
- priorities of time
- So I call you my country, and I'll be lonely for my home
- it's a Monday...
- OLN Hockey Blackout
- more odds and ends
- Happy Birthday sis!
- Noelridge Park Church
- The first time I've ever played a concert with somebody riding a cow in the background...
- I'm full!
- a general arrrrrgh... and then woohoo!
- Serendipity
- The Present Future, and associated thoughts
- The church name is changing!
- fun with guitars
- in another life, I would like to be...
- my blog is boring
- feel the beat of a distant thunder...
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 26
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 25
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 24
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 23
- The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 22
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 19
- Worship Team changes...
- Odds and Ends
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 18
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 16
- not all that amusing: a review of Chris Rice's new CD
- My CD wish list
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 15
- OfficeMax Replacement Watch, Day 12
- Come On! Feel The Illinoise!
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 11
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 10
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 9 (part 2)
- the sweet relief of work completed
- OfficeMax MaxAssurance Replacement Watch, Day 9
- a busy weekend
- I bet I'll be missing some meetings...
- the great escape act
- DER Conference, Day 3
- DER Conference, Day 2
- DER Conference, Day 1
- On the road...
- wait, don't work on it yet...
- Randall Goodgame, where have you been all my life?
- nothing is constant except change
- a busy week...
- occasional down time
- The day I became Fred's hero
- Sahara
- A nice weekend
- A little less wise
- Cakeboy? Who the heck is Cakeboy?
- Time to start studying
- I should have my geek status revoked
- new horizons in wife appreciation
- boredom
- The process of the Christian life...
- What's in a name?
- Mr. Murphy works on Sundays
- random Saturday thoughts
- are you trying to teach me something?
- ...and the streak is at 6
- Musical Baton
- Moody Review: Gary Haugen
- Home!
- Moody Conference, Day 4
- Moody Observations, Day 2
- Moody Conference Day 2
- Moody Conference Day 1
- longest... day... ever...
- Happy Birthday Andrew!
- here goes nothin'
- she's graduated!
- Music, family style... for real.
- Call me Mr. Fix-it
- I've been replaced by a machine!
- I need a musician...
- a busy month...
- making music, family style
- "energy dependence"
- softball starts tonight!
- zzzzzzzzz.....
- The war by? on? Christians in America...
- bleary eyed
- sticking to our guns
- slowly getting more out of touch...
- well, no projects this weekend...
- projects
- softball..... finally!
- preaching on short notice...
- nowadays the world is lit by lightning
- softball...
- it's a blog...
- Thanks Geof!
- the joys of web design...
- elder = older?
- Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places...
- another year older...
- Are online friends weird?
- Foolish?
- Old music... great memories
- OK, so I'm not posting often enough...
- getting older...
- network downtime...
- another week, another concert...
- an excellent concert...
- it's over....
- Death by Advertising...
- My second post...
- This is my first post...