Category: family
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Happy Birthday Laura!
She’s too young to read this, but still, I can’t believe that my little girl turns 2 today! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital, and now she’s a little fireball, talking a blue streak, playing with her little sister, and enjoying her new fishies. Scary to think that it only speeds up from here…
A fun weekend...
It was busy busy busy, but it was fun. My brother Andrew is now officially a resident of Cedar Rapids. He’ll be down here at least for the fall, working at Menards and taking a couple of classes at Kirkwood. So he was/is in town.
Mom. Dad, and Aaron came down from Wisconsin to celebrate Laura’s birthday. It’s so hard to believe that my little girl is turning 2 years old this week! We had a fun time with them. Sunday our church had our usual service and picnic in the park. It’s a bit taxing for me, since it means I have to cart out all the sound gear, but it was special this year since Andrew and Aaron led music with me. They both played guitars, and I played bass. I think it went really well.
Oh, did I mention that Laura’s birthday is coming up? Becky and I decided to get her an aquarium this year. She just loves fish, and is glued to any fish tank she sees. So we are now the proud owners of a ten-gallon aquarium. Once we give the water another day to stabilize, we’ll become the proud owners of a few little fish to go in the aquarium. Hopefully she’ll enjoy it - I think I will, too.
Well, that’s the news from Lake Wobegon Hiawatha for the weekend. It’s now Monday and I’m back at work. Joy of joys.
Holiday and Vacation
It’s now been 10 days since I’ve actually set foot in my office. Last week was the conference to Atlanta, and then I took Friday off. Now it’s Monday, and I get today and then tomorrow off for Independence Day. It’s gonna feel weird to actually go back to work… but there will be a lot to be done.
This weekend we have the whole family here at the house; Ryan came in from Chicago, Aaron is back from Panama, Andrew and Dad and Mom came down from Wisconsin, and Rebecca is now in Cedar Rapids but she came over here to spend the night with the family. Good times. Aaron has become a total Caedmon’s Call fanatic :-) and has become very, very good on the guitar. It’s fun to be able to just sit down and sing Caedmon’s or Derek Webb songs with all the harmony and stuff.
This morning after breakfast I went on a long bike ride - probably 15 miles or so. It’s been too long since I’ve been out for a good ride. It feels good; I need to be more active. I gained 5 pounds on my business trip last week; too much good food and too much sitting on my backside.
This afternoon we’ll grill out and then I dunno what we’ll do tonight - Rebecca’s gotta work, but the rest of us will still be here until tomorrow.
weekend, where did you go?
Well it’s long past time for a weekend update.
Becky’s folks have been here for just over a week now (since May 20th) and we’ve been enjoying their visit. They will be leaving tomorrow to continue on their adventure across the USA. Becky’s mom is blogging their adventures, you might want to follow along! But that’s not about the weekend, now, is it?
Friday night my folks, my brother Ryan, and sister Rebecca came to visit. It was great to see them again. Rebecca is getting ready to move down to Cedar Rapids in a few weeks, so we’ll be seeing quite a bit more of her, I think. Which would be a good thing.
Saturday we didn’t do too much; some shopping occurred, and Becky and I went to a graduation party for a young man from church.
Sunday was busy. I led the WT playing the bass for the first time. It went pretty well, and I sure enjoyed playing bass. Wish I had an opportunity to do it more often. But I’m not about to want to get rid of the bass player we already have - he’s awesome. Then at the end of the first service we dedicated Addison. Then the second service was pretty much the same except we had two baptisms, and no baby dedication.
Sunday afternoon we all went out to Stone City to visit the Berberich’s. It’s always a good time. Stayed there until around 6:30. Then late Sunday night Becky, Ryan, Rebecca and I went to see the new X-Men movie. It was pretty good, but not nearly as good as X1 and X2. Still, it was fun to go out on the town and have mom and dad stay home with the kiddos. :-)
Monday we slept in, grilled out, and then my family took off for their homes. So things are finally calming down. But then last night Laura was up 6 times during the night throwing up. She was one unhappy camper. We quickly progressed through all the sheets we had for her crib, and then went to blankets and towels. She was sleeping OK, but just kept waking up vomiting. Yuck. But Becky reports that she’s doing better today, that some food is staying down, so hopefully she’s on the mend.
With so little sleep last night, something tells me I won’t manage to stay up through the whole Suns-Mavericks game tonight…
Happy Birthday, Becky!
Only the best birthday wishes to my beautiful wife who turns 29 today. She is a faithful partner, dear friend, and loving mother to our girls. I am truly blessed.
Becky’s parents are in town this week, so we’ll all go out for dinner to our new favorite BBQ place tonight to celebrate. And, woohoo for me, I knew what I wanted to get her for a gift, bought it on time, and got it wrapped up. Well, sort of wrapped up. It’s at least in a box… Maybe I’m getting this husbandly-gift-giving stuff down finally… :-)
more odds and ends for May 2006
Wow, so it’s been far too long since I posted. What’s been happening? Last weekend Mom and Dad and Reba came down to visit. We had a good time. Saturday we did a little bit of garage saleing and Reba looked at an apartment. She’s planning on moving down here in June. That should be interesting. She’s going to Kirkwood in the fall. They came down Friday night, left Sunday afternoon. It was good to see them again.
Yesterday was supposed to be our first softball game of the season, but it got cancelled due to the weather. It wasn’t actually raining, but it had been raining pretty much solid since Friday night. The fields were undoubtedly a mess. So last night we went out for supper and then went to the library instead. It was nice.
Now today we’re home. After work I took Laura on a bike ride while Becky worked in the garden. I did about 8 miles, which for my first time out this year, pulling a kiddo in a trailer, isn’t too awful. We’ll see how sore I am in the morning. :-) It was nice to be out. Gotta love having the Cedar Valley Nature Trail and the Cedar River Trail nearby.
So now it’s nearly bedtime. Just finished watching American Idol, and Becky is upstairs trying to get Addison to go to sleep. She just fights it so hard. I’m in the process of setting up a blog for my in-laws to use to post stuff about their vacation this summer. The funny part is, they can use my domain (, and it doesn’t seem strange at all. :-)
Well enough randomness for tonight.
play time
Yesterday, as the culmination of a lot of research by Becky, we went out and purchased a backyard play set for Laura. It was on sale at Toys’r’us. Woohoo for sales! We just barely got the box to fit in the van - we had to remove the back seat and then still bungee the back hatch down. But we got it home in one piece and then got it put up last night. It has a ladder on one side and a slide on the other. It took Laura about 2 tries to get the hand of the ladder, but then she did nothing but climb up and slide down in a circuit about 30 times in a row. I think she enjoys it. :-)
They're back...
Got a phone call from Mom and a text message from Rebecca letting me know that they (and Ryan and Dad) are back safely from their trip to Panama. Sounds like everybody had a great time. I’m looking forward to seeing the pictures.
they're leaving... but they're coming back.
By late this evening I’ll be the only member of my immediate family still present in North America. My folks, sister, and brother are heading down to Panama to visit my two brothers who are already there. Actually, I’m not sure if Ryan is going down today or sometime shortly later… but that’ll leave me as the only one back here in the good ol’ US of A. This is a big trip for all of them, but especially for my folks, who haven’t been on a trip like this in many, many years. Dad just got his passport done last-minute, but fortunately it got done. So they’re off, for a 10-day trip.
I’m slightly jealous, but even with cheap (<$400 round trip from Chicago - Panama City) airfare, I don’t think we could quite manage with two kids under 2 yrs old on that kind of trip. :-) We’ll be happy to stay home this time.
Have fun you guys! Take lots pictures and have safe travel. I’m looking forward to all the stories and pictures when you get back.
short on sleep but full of joy...
Yesterday welcomed our little girl Addison Grace into the world. It was a quick labor and delivery; we were at the hospital for a whole 45 minutes or so before she was born. :-) She’s a big girl (9 lbs 3 oz) and seems to be doing well. She’s had a stuffy nose, but otherwise has been happy to just eat, sleep, and fill diapers. Ahhh, the life of a newborn. :-)
She was born at 3:12 AM on the 13th, so we didn’t get much sleep that night. Slept a little better here at the hospital last night. Not the most comfortable bed, but at least we could go to sleep by 9 and sleep until 7 or later with few interruptions.
Laura doesn’t know quite what to do with the baby yet; I don’t think it’s quite registered that it’s our baby… it’ll be interesting to see how it goes when we all get home tomorrow.
Well that’s about it for now. I’ll post some more later.