Bullet Points for a Monday #5

Because, hey, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these.

  • Did my first three-service weekend on worship team the last two days. I think I made the right decision to go to only one week per month.
  • The worship set, albeit short, was a good one.
  • Did a special number with a friend and it turned out really well.
  • Have come to happy acceptance of the fact that I’ll never really be a soloist, but I can be a darn good backup singer. That works for me.
  • Work has recently given me a case of ‘be careful what you wish for because you might just get it’. More to follow, but it’ll be an interesting next few months.
  • We’re right in the middle of birthday week at the Hubbs house. Two birthdays down, one to go. Being 37 doesn’t make me feel nearly as old as having my youngest daughter turn 5 does.
  • After griping that I missed Markdown support in my move back to Wordpress, my friend Randy pointed out that Wordpress added Markdown support via the Jetpack plugin a few months back. Huzzah!
  • I’ve got a lot of thoughts brewing on the recent developments re: Bill Gothard and Mark Driscoll, but nothing really that feels solid enough or useful enough to be worth posting. Praying for all concerned.

Such are my scattered thoughts for Monday.

Bullet Points for a Monday #4

I haven’t done one of these in a while, but was reminded just how much fun they are. So, without further ado…

  • I just got invited to join the Boar’s Head Tavern. More exciting than I’d like to admit.
  • Just ordered a little M-Audio MIDI controller keyboard to hook up to my Mac. Christmas money well spent! Time to start playing around with Garage Band.
  • I have to remind myself when blogging through Stringfellow that it’s not necessarily that I’m reading groundbreaking thoughts, but that I just haven’t read many liberal / Arminian theologians.
  • After a couple of years of not traveling much, my spring looks like it’s settling into a once-a-month travel groove. December: Florida. January: Seattle. February: Washington, DC. March: Wichita.
  • My not-quite-3-year-old daughter correctly used the phrase “That’s what I’m talkin’” tonight. I could not have been more proud. (We’ll get her to add the “about” one of these days.)
  • Excited to hear the news that I will be an uncle come July - first time on my side of the family! So excited for Andrew and Heather.
  • While I’m happy that this nifty daily Bible reading app I found for my phone might help me do the read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year thing, I feel shame that it’s taking my technology addiction to help encourage my soul addiction.
  • I could’ve posted each of these as Tweets or FB status updates, but somehow this was more satisfying.

A long-delayed update

So, that blogging every day thing didn’t last long, did it? A little bit of work craziness and life busyness and all of a sudden it’s been six weeks. So what’s been going on? Since I last posted, I:

So yeah. I’m still struggling with how to best pull together the content that I share every day via Google Reader, Google+, and Twitter. I’d like to be able to centralize it here… but I haven’t managed to work that into my process yet. I’ll keep trying.

Bullet Points for a Monday Morning #5

  • We have high temperatures in the 50’s forecast for this week. Incredibly thankful for spring to be making an appearance.
  • Stayed up too late watching the Oscars last night. Have watched only two of the films nominated across all categories: District 9 and Star Trek. One of these days I’ll catch up on some of the others. Very little time for watching movies these days.
  • Star Trek is the last movie I’ve watched in a theater. Before that I think it was The Dark Knight the year before. At least that gives us lots of choices to watch on DVD.
  • Three day work week for me this week. Then on Thursday we road trip to Indiana. Becky and the girls will drop me off in Indianapolis where I’ll hang out/ride along with Andy Osenga for a couple days while he plays some house shows.
  • Becky and the girls will head up an hour north of Indy to visit some friends who moved there from CR last year. Everyone is pretty darn excited about it.
  • Have the details lined up for Andy O to play a “house show” at Brewed Awakenings in CR on Monday, April 19th. Hope to get the “official” confirmation from Andy this week so I can start publicity in earnest.

Bullet points for a Monday #3

There is a more substantive post or two in here, I promise. But for now - bullet points.

  • Sewer pipe was replaced, all the pipes are now flowing smoothly. Thankful for drains that drain and that it all got done before the snow started.
  • We got our Christmas tree yesterday and amazingly enough Katie hasn’t tried to pull it down yet.
  • In the “for the first time in over eight months” file: all three girls slept through the night last night. AWESOME.
  • I was invited to fill the pulpit at our old church plant for the Sunday after Christmas. (The new pastor will be on vacation.) I’m honored to be asked. Text will be 1 Peter 1.
  • Oh yeah, did I say snow? We got just a bit overnight, but the forecasters are calling for the SNOWPOCALYPSE on Tuesday night and Wednesday - or at least 6 - 12 inches of the white stuff, along with 40 - 50 mph winds.
  • Matt Chandler is the real deal. Continuing to pray for his recovery from brain surgery. This pre-surgery video is awesome.
  • Every time I think I’ve gotten to some conclusion on whether we’re at the church we should be at long-term, something else comes up that pushes me back the other way. Kinda feels like we’re still in a holding pattern. Still praying.
  • And to finish with the truly trivial, we watched Nebraska do again on Saturday night what they seem to do best - snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. Nobody deserved to win that Nebraska-Texas game. Texas came away the winner anyway. *sigh*

Bullet points for a Monday Morning #4

  • Blog posting has been a bit slow lately since I typically post during breaks at work and my blog has mysteriously become inaccessible from work.  IT was no help in fixing it.  I’m using Posterous as a sort of go-between - a solution that works but that I’m not fond of.
  • Had a good, full weekend. 
  • Marriage conference Friday night and Saturday morning at church.  Very good.
  • Watched a fun Hawkeye game Saturday night.  They whooped Penn State good.
  • Played on the worship team Sunday morning, lots of fun.
  • Finally got the fascia and soffet on the garage painted.  That’s been on my to-do list since last fall.  It looks a lot better.
  • Found out Friday afternoon that the job transfer I’ve been trying to get for the past 6 months will be approved.  Will post something more officially on it once I go through all the official steps.
  • The upcoming two weeks before the transfer will happen have the potential to drag a good bit.
  • I have two book reviews that I need to get posted here before the publishers demand their books back.  Problem is, I’ve only gotten one of them read so far.  Posting one would be a start, I guess.

Bullet Points for a Friday #2

  • Slow-ish week turns into busy weekend. Lots of family in town, softball tournament, leading worship. Fun, but busy.
  • Oh, the occasion for all the family visiting: Laura turns 5 on Monday. Hard to believe I’ve been a parent for five years now.
  • No matter how cool the gong is on “The Great Gate of Kiev”, the solo piano version of Pictures at an Exhibition is far and away superior to the orchestrated version.
  • Just when I think my homebrew DVR is all working and I’m ready to blog about it, something else isn’t working quite right. I’ll be installing the Windows 7 Release Candidate tonight.
  • I’ve been flexing my web design muscles again a bit this week and it’s kinda fun.
  • I’m down 7 or so pounds in the #20lbchallenge this month. This weekend’s meal plans will be a challenge to that accomplishment. (Two months to go!)
  • Looks like I’ll have a quick trip to Ottawa, Ontario for business in a few weeks. Wish it were Toronto instead so I could meet up with Dan & Laura.
  • I haven’t had the heart or inspiration to blog about politics lately.
  • All the things that are on my mind re: God and church are things that need to be worked through first in our lives before they’re worked out on this blog.
  • I reactivated the IntenseDebate commenting plugin - they’ve improved it a lot since last time I tried it. Now with Facebook and Twitter authentication! Leave a comment below and let me know what you’d like to have me blog about.

Bullet Points for a Friday Morning #3

  • Monday road trip to Nashville was awesome. Saw some friends, made some new ones, saw a great concert. (Geof recorded it and you can download MP3s.)
  • Driving 1300 miles in two days will make you a little bit saddle sore.
  • Work has been somewhere between ridiculously crazy and insanely crazy for the past couple of weeks. Looks like it’ll stay that way until the middle of May.
  • I’ll be traveling to Toronto for work in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to finally meeting Dan and Laura in person.
  • Listened to about 15 hours of D. A. Carson sermons/lectures on my road trip. That guy is an amazing teacher.
  • At the moment I’m listening to Manchester Orchestra (which isn’t a symphony orchestra, Dad, it’s a rock band) and they’re pretty darn good.
  • Guess it’s time to get back to work.

Bullet points for a Tuesday Morning #2

Laziness, and no big topics to contemplate. Put those two together and you end up with my blog as of late. Sorry folks. So, a make-up post of sorts.

  • Only four more weeks until the baby is due. I’m sure we don’t really understand quite how life will change going from 2 to 3 kids, but we’ll figure it out. Excitement is building among all the residents of our little home. (Well, maybe not among the cats.)
  • We’re now several weeks in to our first Stonebridge small group and we’re really enjoying it. It’s fun to make some new friends. I did get a few weird looks last night when I briefly touched on the whole gay marriage thing, but my lament about Christians being known more for their support of Prop 8 than for their love for their neighbor was well-received.
  • I’m applying for a new position here at work - a fantastic opportunity. Not going to say too much about it here just now, but I have an interview tomorrow at 1 pm.
  • Another thing that’s sneaking up on us - Laura will turn 5 this summer, and so the school questions start coming up. We’ve pretty well decided to homeschool her for the time being, and communicated that intent to our local elementary school last month. Now I’ve gotta get the ins and outs of the homeschool support/oversight system understood in preparation for next fall. Oh, and sign up with HSLDA.
  • When I have trouble coming up with something for the fifth bullet, you know that either things have been fairly uneventful or I’m just having a horrible time remembering anything. *sigh*

Bullet Points for a Friday Morning #2

I’ve been neglecting this blog for the past few weeks, so it’s time for an update of sorts. So… bullet points!

  • We’re in the home stretch of the pregnancy… just a little more than two months until baby #3 is scheduled to make his/her appearance. The girls have finally decided that they’d like a little brother - they want to have a prince to play with them when they’re playing princesses.
  • We’ve decided on sticking at Stonebridge for the forseeable future, and we’re starting to plug in. First up: small groups. The group we’re joining starts up next Monday night. It’ll be good to just sit down and get to know some folks.
  • In the vein of church stuff, I’ve contacted the music pastor at Stonebridge and arranged a time to get together and talk about how I might occasionally serve on the worship team. The key word here is occasional. I don’t want to be in a position where I’m indispensable. I think it can be worked out.
  • On the work front, the project I’d been working on for the past 18 months got shut down last week. All of us working it are getting transferred to new projects and new groups. I’m going to be joining a group that focuses on aircraft certification. It’ll mean a lot less coding and a lot more documenting, but it’ll be very good experience and learning for my DER ticket.
  • It’s still winter in Iowa, but it’s been at least tolerable the past week. It got up above freezing yesterday, and we haven’t had any significant snowfall this week. I can handle winter when it’s like this.
  • I’m really looking forward to a weekend with very little on the schedule. Nothing scheduled for Saturday, just church on Sunday. Time to crash.

Well, enough for now.