Well it’s the day before the national elections and living in Iowa that means we’re finally near the end of interminable political advertising, phone calls, and print ads. In the last week I think we’ve received 3 or 4 recorded phone calls, tons of mail every day, three people at the door, and endured more TV ads than anyone should have to watch. I’m not much of a channel surfer, but I finally started flipping around just to avoid having to watch the same ads over and over and over…

While it saddens me that the presidential candidates can’t seem to campaign on anything but “here’s why my opponent’s bad”, I guess I’ve come to expect it. What really makes me mad is that the same mudslinging comes to the local races. In my Iowa House district, we’ve recieved at least half a dozen mailings, including ones from Roger Grobstich, the challenger, totally bashing Kraig Paulsen, the incumbent (a Republican), and also one that was a “copy” of a handwritten letter from Paulsen’s wife, urging us to vote for him. Why can’t they just run on the issues? Are there not enough issues to run on? In Iowa, we’ve got education, government spending, and taxes, just to name a few. Tell me whether or not you’re going to raise my taxes (honestly, now), where you stand on gambling, the lottery, the speed limits, things I really care about. Sure, your website has little niceities on all these issues, but why can’t you run on them? Why do you have to sling mud and badmouth? Do you really think I’m going to respond to a mailing that tells me that my representative is a shill for corporate interests? I work for a corporate interest. That means I’m interested in their business doing well. Big business isn’t evil to me - it keeps food on the table.

At least tomorrow it will all be over… oh wait, then there will be legal wranglings, lawsuits, protests, recounts, and allegations of fraud. My prayer is just that somebody be a clear winner on Tuesday; I don’t think I can handle a repeat of the 2000 debacle.

I’m Chris Hubbs, and I approve this message.