I don’t remember who recommended this one to me, but it hits the spot. Not half through yet and much to chew on.

Book cover, blue in color, titled “a window to the divine”, written by Zachary Hayes, OFM.

Oh, man, this bit from D. L. Mayfield today:

“But one day my own children asked me to look at them… They wanted to know if it was safe for them to be who they were. I had to make a choice. Do I want my parents to be proud of me or do I want my children to be proud of me? It was the easiest, most painful choice I have made in my entire life.”


That being said, the post-series handshake line is the best thing in sports. #NHL

That’s a brutal loss for Dallas. Outshot the Oilers 35-10 and lost the game 2-1. Phooey. #NHL

Dallas #Stars have owned this game at even strength but haven’t managed to crack the goalie. Edmonton has owned the power play and hence is up 2-0. Have a bad feeling the series ends tonight. #NHL

2024 Reads: From the Maccabees to the Mishnah by Shaye J. D. Cohen 📚

Well, the Dallas #Stars have lost the recipe. Disappointing. #nhl

I have a big presentation / interview coming up in a few weeks and let me just say it’s amazing how much time and polish you can spend on only a half dozen powerpoint slides.

And the Cubs dive headlong into another mediocre season. Time to cancel my Marquee Network subscription; not worth the frustration. #mlb #cubs

Third time out running this spring after several years’ layoff. First time did my starter route with an 11:40 pace. 😩 Today: 9:41! My goal is to get back enough stamina to run a 5k in the fall.