2024 Reads: Extinction by Douglas Preston 📚

Over and over, Preston has his characters saying “This isn’t Jurassic Park!”. And it’s not. At least not quite exactly. Preston knows how to write a brisk, entertaining thriller, though. Fun stuff.

Nebraska in the second half looked like a different team. Relied on the run game and just pushed Purdue around. It was an ugly win, but we’ll take it. #GBR

Through one quarter, Nebraska looks like a team with great potential but no polish. False start while going for it on 4th-and-1, then they miss the FG. Frustrating.

2024 Reads: Airframe by Michael Crichton 📚

I’m sure I read this years ago, but it’s interesting to re-read after spending a career in aircraft certification. Crichton did a pretty good job getting the details right.

My HS sophomore got the job shadow hookup that she wanted, which means that in a couple weeks she’s going to spend a morning shadowing at the local FBI Field Office. 🤨

Flu and COVID shot clinic at work today. Couple of sore shoulders is far preferable to a bout with a virus!

As a necessity of my job I am signed up for FAA email notifications when they update certain guidance documents. Something in the system broke, and I have received 100+ email notifications for the same Advisory Circular in the past 20 minutes. Make it stop!

So, if MLB had a promotion/relegation scheme like English football does, the White Sox and Marlins would move down to AAA for next year and the Sugar Land Space Cowboys and Omaha Stormchasers would move up to MLB. That would be kinda awesome.


I have played the piano and sung with it for most of my life. I’ve rarely ever sung in a choir, though. This weekend I’m going to audition to sing with the Orchestra Iowa Chorus. They’re doing Mozart’s Requiem in the spring. That could be really fun. 🤞

2024 Reads: Red Side Story by Jasper Fforde 📚

It’s rare that I read a novel that feels like nothing I’ve read before. This combination of clever humor and dystopian adventure was a real winner.