• Weekend update: K15 took 3rd place overall in the toughest division at the regional Academic Decathalon competition. Waiting to hear whether her team scored well enough in total to make the state competition.
  • Helped serve the Eucharist for the first time at our new church yesterday. Managed to not drop the bowl when offering wine for intinction.
  • January we get almost no snow, and now the first week of February we have two snowstorms forecast? Bleh.
  • Got a turntable for Christmas and find myself enjoying it so far. Not so much about sound quality as about a different listening experience. You can’t just push a button and skip a track! 20 minutes of listening straight through.
  • Also in church news: got elected to the Vestry last week. Hopefully I can be useful.
  • Before the vestry election, the pastor’s message was “if you’re getting worn out, raise your hand and say you need a break. Don’t wear yourself out.” Pretty sure I’ve never heard that message at any other church I’ve served at.
  • I’ve become the guy who’s shopping for vintage sports coats online. 100% camel hair blazer? Let’s see if you’ll give me a deal…
  • Yesterday after church we had a dessert auction to benefit our companion diocese in Eswatini. We bought… too many desserts. Many of them are in the process of being given away to friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
  • I’m keeping the Tres Leches cake for myself.

Hang in there, friends.