• First day of school today for our two oldest kids… both at college so we won’t get chalkboard pics this year.
  • Back to a full work week; the summer grind seems to set in here in late August. I think our European friends have the right idea, just taking most of August for vacation.
  • A friend pinged yesterday to note it had been a year since a retreat we attended. That got me reflecting. It’s been quite a year.
  • Turns out some combination of time, therapy, improved habits, loving family, and patience can produce good results, even in the midst of sadness and chaos.
  • How am I old enough to have two kids in college?!?
  • I’ve been umpiring rec league softball again this year and tonight is the end of our tournament. Forecast heat index: 115F. Oof.
  • Once we get past Labor Day, life speeds up… a lot of business travel this fall.
  • Related to a couple of these bullets: time to shop for a new suit. Think this time I’m gonna invest a little bit and not just buy whatever I can find cheapest off the rack at Kohl’s.
  • I keep thinking that if my life gets too slow once the kids are out of the house, I could get certified and start umpiring high school softball. Feels like one of those things that you would have to jump into with both feet and make a fairly exclusive hobby during the summer.
  • Picked a book up off the shelf for book club yesterday and had forgotten just how good that book is. Time for a re-read, maybe. I don’t re-read too often.
  • If I stop and think a moment, I kinda wonder what things will look like a year from now when I look back on the (currently upcoming) year. Life is wild.