• Since I started working from home 8 weeks ago, my morning routine has changed. No more gym, reading and writing in the morning instead.
  • Also, Wordpress is impressed with my 10-day posting streak. It’s easy to write about music. But a lazy bullet points post will get me to 11.
  • (Insert Spinal Tap reference here.)
  • Saturday mornings have become cinnamon roll mornings. It’s not helping my waistline but it’s a nice way to celebrate the weekend.
  • The siding guys are done with our house. It looks great and I’m enthused that I will not need to paint the outside of the house again.
  • I’m thankful that we have local coffee roasters still doing their thing because Walmart-brand coffee isn’t the greatest.
  • I’m kinda gonna miss the siding guys, though, since the noise and bustle of them working made it not feel so creepily quiet every day.
  • I bought a Bibliotheca Bible boxed set when they did the kickstarter several years ago. It seemed like a cool idea but I ended up not being a fan of the translation they used and they quickly just started collecting dust on my shelf.
  • This week somebody on Facebook wanted to buy them. They are like new other than the New Testament volume which has some minor notes I put in the first 5 chapters of Matthew. Oddly enough that person preferred to buy an incomplete set rather than buy a NT volume with a few notes in it.
  • Going to the post office to mail these books will be the first time I’ve gone anywhere all week.
  • These bullet points aren’t as random as they should be. It feels like a lazy way to do a partial narrative without any through line. What the heck, it’s 2020, we all deserve some slack.