Because hey, I like this format.

  • Just when you think spring was here, we get snow. The ground and roads were covered this morning. Ick. At least it’s melted off by this afternoon.
  • There’s a 60 degree day in the forecast. I’ll believe it when I see it.
  • Of course, next week I’ll be in Florida for work where the highs are supposed to be in the low 80’s every day.
  • You aren’t reading this just to get Chris’s thoughts on the weather, are you?
  • I just submitted a big proposal at work this afternoon. Praying that it is looked upon favorably.
  • I desperately need some other music to get rid of the Frozen soundtrack earworm that’s plagued me the past week. The girls have been singing “Do you want to build a snowman?” incessantly.
  • I did something this morning I haven’t done in ages - turned off my alarm w/o realizing it and overslept past something on my calendar, in this case my Tuesday morning Bible study. Oops.
  • I have fresh brownies on the stove and a chapter of The Hobbit to read to the girls, so this will be my last bullet.