Ben Myers' Canon Fodder
Australian theology professor Ben Myers (@FaithTheology) has been tweeting a fantastic series of 140-character commentaries on each book of the Bible, one tweet per book, delightfully tagged “Canon Fodder”.
While it may initially seem dismissive to describe each book of the Bible as a one-liner, on the contrary Myers’ tweets are insightful, pithy summaries that provoke thought and also draw some smiles.
Some examples:
1 Kings: So, you really want a monarchy huh? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 2 Kings: I told you so.
Psalms: The invention of antiphony: when my heart broke in two, I taught both parts to sing. Zephaniah: Cry out with horror, for I will sweep you from the earth. Cry out with joy, for I will sweep you into my arms. Acts: Proof of the resurrection: the powers of this world submit to a handkerchief on which an apostle has blown his nose.
And probably my favorite:
Romans: Adam lost it, Christ found it, the Spirit gives it, faith holds it, creation yearns for it, death yields to it.
Go read the whole list.