India Trip, days 5 and 6
I think it’s a fair guess that I’ve never spent 4 days talking non-stop for 8 hours each day before. My throat is feeling the effects of it. Amazingly, I still have a voice.
Last night one of the managers of our Indian facility took me and another guy from Iowa out to do some shopping and then to a team dinner of Indian food at a nice hotel. The hotel restaurant was so full that they had our (long) table set up poolside by their indoor pool. I’m kicking myself now that I didn’t take a picture of it. The shopping shall go undescribed to maintain some sense of anticipation for those receiving gifts.
Tonight I took the hotel’s “free shuttle” to the nearby shopping mall to see what a western-style Indian shopping mall looked like. The “free shuttle” ended up being a three-wheeled motor rickshaw… quite an experience, even for just the mile between the hotel and the mall.
Tonight I have the joy of packing my bags in preparation for heading home. Tomorrow I check out, go to the office, then back to the hotel and start on my way home. I can’t wait.
Just for the record, here’s me after completing my fourth day of teaching.