Some thoughts from days 3 and 4 (Monday and Tuesday) of my India trip:

  • Sitting around doing nothing, by yourself, in an unfamiliar place is a lonely task. I was in tears missing my family on Monday morning when I saw that my 6-year-old had written me an IM overnight saying (her usual) “addie hi dad”. Hadn’t been that homesick since my first night at college.
  • It’s a lot better when you can spend your days working. Feels like I have purpose and a good reason for coming over here.
  • The people over here at our India Design Center are fantastic. Friendly, asking good questions, making me feel very welcome. I love it. I even got assigned my own office for the week!
  • It was amusing to come in early this morning and see several folks decorating the cubicle of a co-worker for her birthday today. Balloons! Streamers! Some things are apparently the same everywhere.
  • It’s kinda weird watching Monday Night Football on Tuesday morning while you’re getting ready for work.
  • I’m not used to talking all day, every day. This trip is exhausting not just from doing all the teaching, but from being “on” all the time. I’m an introvert. This isn’t easy.
  • I’ve watched Indian TV a little bit, but mostly now I’m leaving it off. It’s just too jarring and unfamiliar. Instead, I’m catching up on Seasons 1 and 2 of Breaking Bad.
  • Half-way done with teaching now. Two more days of class, one day of meetings, and then I go home. Can’t wait.