It’s been a while since I’ve reworked my 5K playlist. This latest incarnation may be a little heavy on Arcade Fire, but I’ve been listening to them a lot while I’ve been running this spring, and the tempos of the songs work really well. Anyway, here’s what I’ve got:

  1. “Modern Man” - Arcade Fire
  2. “Beautiful Day” - U2
  3. “Brighter Day” - Gungor
  4. “City With No Children” - Arcade Fire
  5. Someone Else’s Arms - Mae
  6. “After The Garden” - Andrew Osenga
  7. “Month of May” - Arcade Fire
  8. “Hometown Glory” - Adele

If I finish in the time I’m hoping for, I’ll be somewhere in the middle of “Month of May” when I cross the finish line. The Adele song is a fantastic cooldown song.

Here’s hoping for good weather in the morning and a good race time!