A day with family
Today we had the chance to enjoy what is an increasingly rare occurrence: all four of my siblings and my parents were here in Hiawatha to visit, giving us the whole family in one place at one time. (Well, almost the whole family: Andrew’s wife Heather had to stay back in Washington and work. We missed her.)
I have such a great bunch of siblings. Three brothers who are godly men, working hard and making their way on both ends of the country and in the middle. (Andrew & Heather are in Washington; Ryan is in Brooklyn, NY; Aaron and Emily are in Wisconsin.) One little sister who is just a shade (OK, maybe a little more than a shade) spoiled by her big brothers but who can keep up with all of us, anytime, anywhere. Mom and Dad came down from Wisconsin for the day, too, so we had lots of fun and frivolity and food. Much Mario Kart was played, many hot dogs were consumed, and much shrieking was heard from the girls as they ran between parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunt.
Clever and cheesy wordplay seems to be a hallmark of our family gatherings. We have a predisposition for puns and a love of mangling phrases. One such highlight from the visit is worth repeating, if only as an illustration.
Andrew, talking to Ryan, mentioned something about a “love cube”. I have no idea what that meant. However, it immediately made me think of the song “Love Shack”, so I started singing a twisted version:
“The love cube is a polygon where… we can get together…”
OK, yeah, cheesy. They indulged me with a chuckle. But then Ryan, per usual, came up with a retort.
“So, if you were involved in that love cube polygon thing, would you be… a… ‘polygonist’?”
Anyhow, it was a great blessing to have everybody under one roof, if only for a day. God is good.

Top row, L-R: Andrew, Rebecca, Ryan Middle row, L-R: Dad, Mom, Chris, Katie (being held), Becky, Aaron, Emily Bottom row: Addison, Laura (click to see a bigger image)