• Blog posting has been a bit slow lately since I typically post during breaks at work and my blog has mysteriously become inaccessible from work.  IT was no help in fixing it.  I’m using Posterous as a sort of go-between - a solution that works but that I’m not fond of.
  • Had a good, full weekend. 
  • Marriage conference Friday night and Saturday morning at church.  Very good.
  • Watched a fun Hawkeye game Saturday night.  They whooped Penn State good.
  • Played on the worship team Sunday morning, lots of fun.
  • Finally got the fascia and soffet on the garage painted.  That’s been on my to-do list since last fall.  It looks a lot better.
  • Found out Friday afternoon that the job transfer I’ve been trying to get for the past 6 months will be approved.  Will post something more officially on it once I go through all the official steps.
  • The upcoming two weeks before the transfer will happen have the potential to drag a good bit.
  • I have two book reviews that I need to get posted here before the publishers demand their books back.  Problem is, I’ve only gotten one of them read so far.  Posting one would be a start, I guess.