• Monday road trip to Nashville was awesome. Saw some friends, made some new ones, saw a great concert. (Geof recorded it and you can download MP3s.)
  • Driving 1300 miles in two days will make you a little bit saddle sore.
  • Work has been somewhere between ridiculously crazy and insanely crazy for the past couple of weeks. Looks like it’ll stay that way until the middle of May.
  • I’ll be traveling to Toronto for work in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to finally meeting Dan and Laura in person.
  • Listened to about 15 hours of D. A. Carson sermons/lectures on my road trip. That guy is an amazing teacher.
  • At the moment I’m listening to Manchester Orchestra (which isn’t a symphony orchestra, Dad, it’s a rock band) and they’re pretty darn good.
  • Guess it’s time to get back to work.