Last night was the start to our church league softball season. For most of the day it looked like we might not even play a game; the weather was quite nasty in the morning, with near-freezing temperatures, strong wind, and sleet. But the bitter morning gave way to a merely blustery evening, and so we made our way out to Noelridge Park to another season like the rest, save that this time we were bundled in multiple layers of shirts, sweats, and stocking caps.

Looks like we might have a good team this year. We’ve added a few new guys (and one older guy) from Noelridge who have skills, a catcher who managed to catch a foul fly for an out in her first-ever game (hi Bridget!) and our defense looks passable. I switched around from my usual third base last night to play first, and that worked out just fine. Not a lot of action, but managed to catch everything and make one stretch to get a bang-bang double play called our way.

In theory we’re starting up another league on Friday night with some folks from work, but right now the forecast says rain on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday… so I guess we’ll see. Sure is fun to get back to playing softball.