Signs that spring is finally here:

  • Warmer weather, finally. high temps in the 70’s for the majority of this week. Woohoo!
  • The grill has been retrieved from its exile in the shed and is being prepared for some cooking. We’re gonna use it for the first time this season tomorrow.
  • The snowblower has been exiled to the shed, taking the grill’s place.
  • We’ve sown grass seed in our annual attempt to get grass to grow under the oak tree on the west side of the house. I will try to be consistent with watering this year and see if we can get something going.
  • Softball! We had our first (and probably only) softball practice last night. This morning my throwing elbow is quite sore.

Along with spring comes my list-making of all the house tasks that need done now that the weather’s warmer. The driveway is in sad shape and needs patching - this winter was really hard on it. (Really, we’ll need to replace the driveway within the next few years.) The trip and soffet on the house needs scraped and repainted. We need to keep replacing windows. The garage door really needs replaced, but it can wait one more year. On the smaller list, I need to clean out and organize the garage, and get the pegboard hung in the basement. And the list goes on… and I’m sure I’m forgetting things.

Still… the weather is warm, the sun is shining… I’m not gonna complain.