• FINALLY with some warmer weather here in Iowa. Softball is supposed to start in two weeks and it’s been too cold to get out to practice. Tomorrow, though, we’re supposed to hit 70. Hallelujah!
  • I drove to Naperville, IL last Friday to see Andy O, Eric Peters, and Jeremy Casella play a concert. Hung out with them before and after the show (with the “after” including pizza at Giordanos!), had a great time. What a great group of guys, and so darn talented to boot.
  • I posted a bunch of pictures from the concert on Flickr.
  • My Flickr Pro account (gifted from Geof last year) is about to expire. I want to pay to continue it for another year, but for some reason when I go to pay it won’t accept my password… the same password it just accepted for me to log in. It happens on two different browsers. Something funky is going on.
  • What, you say, it’s tax day today? Somehow April 15 is a lot less exciting when you’ve had your taxes filed and refund in hand for a couple months already.
  • And to come full circle, back to softball. We’re actually going to be playing in two different leagues this year: our usual Monday night church league, and then on a Friday-night city league team to which we were invited by a friend of mine from work. Becky had to think all of about two seconds before agreeing to play in the second league… should be a lot of fun.