Having been tagged by Jeff for the latest interweb meme to filter around to these parts, I suppose I should play along.

The Rules: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

So, the six non-important things/habits/quirks about me:

1) The Soundtrack in my Head Other people talk about having an internal dialog going all the time - I have an internal soundtrack. If I hear some word or phrase or phrasing that trips a memory in my brain, I’m likely to start singing the line from the song. (This drives my wife nuts.)

2) I have a propensity for spoofing song lyrics. Think Weird Al, just less talented, and without the accordion. The fun part is to try to do it on the fly in real time. Sometimes it works. Most of the time I just end up breaking out in hysterical laughter after about five lines.

3) I hate hate HATE asking people for things. Don’t know how this one got started, but I would rather put myself out than ask someone for something, even something that I know they’d gladly be willing to do/give. This maybe doesn’t belong on this list because it verges toward the important - this can be a real flaw at times that I need to work to correct.

4) I see chord structures. I don’t know of a better way to describe it. If I hear a song, I’m working through parsing the chord structure in my head. Usually I assume what key the song is in, and then work it out from there, but if I find out it’s actually in a different key, I can easily make the switch. I feel it in some combination of what the chord feels like when played on the piano and when played on the guitar. I will drive myself nuts sometimes if I don’t get a song figured out right away. I remember sitting in the parking lot at a Subway waiting for Becky to get a sandwich and trying to work out Simon & Garfunkel’s Mrs. Robinson. I was so proud when I finally got it.

5) I go to the same restaurants and order the same things every single time. I hate trying new places. Once I find a place and a dish that I like, I will order the same thing every time. This goes so far as to extend to business trips; last fall I traveled to Oklahoma City for two days and once I found a movie theater and restaurant nearby that I liked, I hit them both two nights in a row…. it’s just easier than having to try something new.

6) I have a huge memory for music and lyrics… but my repertoire is limited. Yeah, if I were on that Don’t Forget The Lyrics show I would fail miserably… unless they limited themselves to CCM from the 1990’s and indie-Christian-folk-rock from the 2000’s. I somehow missed all of the other stuff growing up and have been trying to fill in holes as I go along. You know, in some areas I didn’t miss much at all, but I wish I would’ve found U2 a lot earlier on. :-)

Now, then… who to tag?

Rae Whitlock Daniel D Bridget Roger TK Nate

Fun, fun.