Details to remember for your first worship service
Yes, the title is overly-long Google linkbait. But one thing I have been astonished with is just how many details there are that need remembered to plan for the first (or for that matter, any) worship service at a church plant. So, without any further ado, here’s my running list. I’ll update it as I remember more things.
- Worship leader & musicians
- Sound equipment
- Sound technician
- Recording gear to record sermon
- CD for playing before/after service
- Words for the songs (either song sheets, hymnals, or overhead projection)
- Lapel/wireless microphone for pastor
- Collection plates/buckets/box/whatever
- Ushers
- Counters
- Treasurer
- Budget
- Receipts (donors will want receipts!)
- Bulletin
- Communion service
Children’s ministries
- Nursery workers
- Children’s church workers (if you have it)
- Sunday school teachers (ditto)
- Security
- Clean-up crew
- Set-up crew (if you’re packing in/out)
What items do you have to add?