Most any update is better than none...
Bullet points for the weekend:
- Church plant plans are moving right along. Looking like the start date might be the beginning of the year.
- Tonight will be my first night all week of just coming home from work and being home. Too many evening activities makes for a long week.
- Major weekend activity: tree trimming and collecting brush. Hiawatha picks up brush starting Monday.
- Waiting to hear whether or not I get a freelance website development job. Hoping I do.
- You know you’re short on sleep when the Diet Pepsi doesn’t really help things any.
- The new Iron and Wine album (The Shepherd’s Dog) is really good.
- The new Radiohead album is good as well. I don’t usually dig Radiohead, but the new album is quite accessible.
- Meebo (my browser-based chat client of choice) just released a Firefox plugin that’s actually pretty good. Not perfect yet, but beats having to keep extra FF windows open.
That was pretty random. Sorry.