• We had three neighbors over for supper last night. It was quite a good time. And the pork loin that Becky did in the broiler was delicious.
  • The trip for the weekend will be to Lowe’s for some blackjack for the roof and maybe a basin wrench.
  • We got an estimate on our tree in the front yard last night. It’s developed a nasty split and if we don’t do something soon we may lose some or all of it. Sounds like we can get it cabled up and should be able to save most of it.
  • Planning on just spending the weekend with the family. It will be nice to not have much to do.
  • I’m teaching Sunday School and leading worship at church on Sunday. Already have the music planned, but still have to prepare for the class.
  • Note to the FAA: planning a conference in New Orleans in July? Not such a bright idea. Ah well, I’ll sweat along with the rest of them.
  • Got Harry Potter book 2 from the library yesterday. For some reason I got a LARGE PRINT copy. Ouch.
  • Today is my last day in my current position at work - after eight years, it’s time for a change. Hoping it’s a good move.