Having a day off from work in the middle of the week has totally thrown me off. Yesterday seemed like Saturday all day, which meant that I kept going into a panic about not being ready for church the next day… no music picked, Sunday School lesson not prepared… I had to keep reminding myself, wait, Chris, tomorrow is only Thursday… you still have time. So last night I picked the music. The Sunday School lesson is still waiting.

Had a good time up in Troy Mills yesterday with the Marsceau family and some assorted friends as we watched the parade, enjoyed Grandma Hazel’s fried chicken, and sat around visiting. Then last night got some work done around the house in preparation for my family coming to visit this weekend. My sister is heading back to Panama for several months and so we’re getting together to have one more weekend as a family before she leaves. We’ll be pretty scattered this fall, what with Andrew heading west to Portland (attending George Fox) and Ryan heading east to DC (grad school at Georgetown). Ah, well, we couldn’t all stay in the Midwest forever.

So now it’s off to a slow day at work… there will be a lot of people taking the rest of the week off. At least, as Geof Morris just reminded a friend, tomorrow is Friday. :-)