This weekend we had very nearly my whole family over to visit.   My sister is still in Panama, but otherwise, my parents and all my brothers came in on Friday and got to stay through Sunday afternoon.

We had massive amounts of food and celebration; fortunately then we were able to send some of the leftovers home with them, otherwise we’d be eating them for a week and there’d still be some to go bad.   There is still a bit of birthday cake hanging around, though…  I’m looking forward to another piece of that carrot cake - yum yum.

Things are staying busy with the family these days - Mom and Dad are busy as usual; Ryan is waiting to hear on his acceptance to Georgetown grad school, Andrew got accepted to George Fox University and will be headed there in the fall…  and not leaving Aaron out: last week he bought a b-e-a-utiful Taylor acoustic guitar.  We had to keep a towel around just to wipe up all the drool.  :-)

I’ll post some pictures once I get them off of the camera.