I stopped at the library yesterday afternoon to pick up a book I had reserved. (Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, yes, Heather, I’m finally getting around to reading it.) And of course, even with my book backlog, I couldn’t stop with just that one book - I had to pick up two more while I was at it. My book pile next to my bed has gotten large. Very large. From memory, here’s what’s sitting there waiting to be read:

  • This is Your Brain on Music - Daniel Levitin - a fascinating book about how our brains deal with and remember music. I’m about 2/3 done with this one.
  • Submarines: A History - I forget the author. I started this one before I bought the previous title. It’s in progress as well.
  • Traitor - Stephen Coonts - I enjoy Coonts, this appears to be his latest.
  • Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell - Just picked it up. This will be the next one I start.
  • The Ragtime Club? - some random novel I picked up yesterday, deals with Scott Joplin and the ragtime music scene. Looks mildly interesting.
  • Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln - Doris Kearns Goodwin - my mom recommended this one. Should be interesting.
  • The Republic - Plato - picked this one up with a Christmas gift card.
  • The Everlasting Man - G. K. Chesterton - This one is in progress as well - good stuff, but slow going.
  • Beyond All Earthly Powers - David Wells - a freebie for attending the Desiring God 2006 conference.
  • Lectures to my Students - Spurgeon - Bought at the DG2006 conference, read the first few chapters, it’s still sitting there.
  • Looking Unto Jesus - Isaac Ambrose - my dad gave me this one a couple of years ago - I have started on it several times and never finished. Slow going, but good stuff.

There may be a few others, that’s just all I can think of for now.

[Checked tonight when I got home - found I’d missed a couple: What I Saw At The Revolution by Peggy Noonan and Case Closed by Gerald Posner. I guess I’ve got even *more* reading to do. :sigh: