It’s taken me far too long, but I have finally completed the second book on my user-suggested reading list: The Russian Debutante’s Handbook by Gary Shteyngart. Thanks to Geof for the recommendation.

Geof described Handbook as “Great absurdist immigrant fiction.” He was right. The Russian Debutante’s Handbook is a hilariously absurd story of a Russian immigrant living in New York. It follows the (mis)adventures in his personal and public lives as he deals with family and romantic relationships, jobs, and schemes. If it sounds like I’m grasping for the right words to describe the story, it’s because I am. This book was unlike pretty much anything else I’ve ever read. It was amusing and charmingly absurd. While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to all of my readers, if you’re looking for something different, this may just be the thing. Thanks again, Geof!

I’ll have to hit the library again this week to stock up for the trip to North Carolina. I’ll definitely grab a couple more from the list.