Well, my last training run before the Solon 5K on Saturday. I woke up before my alarm this morning (no small feat when the alarm is set for 5:10 am!) and headed out on my usual 3.2 mile course. It was a beautiful early morning, chilly and brisk, the sky bright, clear, and full of stars.

For not having run much the past two weeks, my times were ok:

Mile 1: 7:38. A nice brisk pace. Mile 2: 9:59 (total: 17:37). Slowed a bit here, was starting to feel it by about the last 1/4 mile. Mile 3: 10:38 (total: 28:16). That long hill the last quarter mile gets me every time. Total time: 30:39. Didn’t quite get in under 30:00. :-(

My goal for the 5k on Saturday is to get in under 30:00. Should be a fun test.