I told myself that I should run a good three times this week in preparation for the Solon 5K on Saturday. After all, I didn’t get much running in last week while we were on vacation. I was good on Monday, ran 2 miles, felt decent. I intended to run again this morning, but after not getting to sleep until around midnight, 5 AM for running was just too early. Maybe this afternoon or tonight. I’m thinking today, maybe tomorrow, and then take Friday off to rest. We’ll see how it goes.

Otherwise, it’s been a fairly uneventful week thus far. Monday night we were home - first Monday night home since softball started back in May! Last night Becky did supper with some friends from church, so I had a night at home with the girls. Then last night I screwed up the Master Boot Record on my basement PC, so I spent the remainder of the night trying to get it wiped and re-loaded. I think it’s pretty well wiped now, so hopefully the Sony Recovery disks can do the rest of the work for me.