It hasn’t been a real productive week for me as far as running goes; three mornings this week we we had rain come through between 5 and 7 am, which is my usual running time. I did get 2.5 miles in on Tuesday, but that was it.

So today, after cleaning out the gutters and mowing the lawn, it was time to go run again. The Solon 5K is only a month away… My times for this run:

Mile 1: 8:02
Mile 2: 18:50
Mile 3: 29:57
End : 32:43

I came in a couple of minutes quicker than last week’s run; my first mile was actually a couple of minutes slower this week, but I had a more consistent time for miles 2 and 3 this week.

Only a month to go before the big race. Hopefully I can find time to run more than once a week before then. :-)