It was busy busy busy, but it was fun. My brother Andrew is now officially a resident of Cedar Rapids. He’ll be down here at least for the fall, working at Menards and taking a couple of classes at Kirkwood. So he was/is in town.

Mom. Dad, and Aaron came down from Wisconsin to celebrate Laura’s birthday. It’s so hard to believe that my little girl is turning 2 years old this week! We had a fun time with them. Sunday our church had our usual service and picnic in the park. It’s a bit taxing for me, since it means I have to cart out all the sound gear, but it was special this year since Andrew and Aaron led music with me. They both played guitars, and I played bass. I think it went really well.

Oh, did I mention that Laura’s birthday is coming up? Becky and I decided to get her an aquarium this year. She just loves fish, and is glued to any fish tank she sees. So we are now the proud owners of a ten-gallon aquarium. Once we give the water another day to stabilize, we’ll become the proud owners of a few little fish to go in the aquarium. Hopefully she’ll enjoy it - I think I will, too.

Well, that’s the news from Lake Wobegon Hiawatha for the weekend. It’s now Monday and I’m back at work. Joy of joys.