It’s now been 10 days since I’ve actually set foot in my office. Last week was the conference to Atlanta, and then I took Friday off. Now it’s Monday, and I get today and then tomorrow off for Independence Day. It’s gonna feel weird to actually go back to work… but there will be a lot to be done.

This weekend we have the whole family here at the house; Ryan came in from Chicago, Aaron is back from Panama, Andrew and Dad and Mom came down from Wisconsin, and Rebecca is now in Cedar Rapids but she came over here to spend the night with the family. Good times. Aaron has become a total Caedmon’s Call fanatic :-) and has become very, very good on the guitar. It’s fun to be able to just sit down and sing Caedmon’s or Derek Webb songs with all the harmony and stuff.

This morning after breakfast I went on a long bike ride - probably 15 miles or so. It’s been too long since I’ve been out for a good ride. It feels good; I need to be more active. I gained 5 pounds on my business trip last week; too much good food and too much sitting on my backside.

This afternoon we’ll grill out and then I dunno what we’ll do tonight - Rebecca’s gotta work, but the rest of us will still be here until tomorrow.