Well it’s long past time for a weekend update.

Becky’s folks have been here for just over a week now (since May 20th) and we’ve been enjoying their visit. They will be leaving tomorrow to continue on their adventure across the USA. Becky’s mom is blogging their adventures, you might want to follow along! But that’s not about the weekend, now, is it?

Friday night my folks, my brother Ryan, and sister Rebecca came to visit. It was great to see them again. Rebecca is getting ready to move down to Cedar Rapids in a few weeks, so we’ll be seeing quite a bit more of her, I think. Which would be a good thing.

Saturday we didn’t do too much; some shopping occurred, and Becky and I went to a graduation party for a young man from church.

Sunday was busy. I led the WT playing the bass for the first time. It went pretty well, and I sure enjoyed playing bass. Wish I had an opportunity to do it more often. But I’m not about to want to get rid of the bass player we already have - he’s awesome. Then at the end of the first service we dedicated Addison. Then the second service was pretty much the same except we had two baptisms, and no baby dedication.

Sunday afternoon we all went out to Stone City to visit the Berberich’s. It’s always a good time. Stayed there until around 6:30. Then late Sunday night Becky, Ryan, Rebecca and I went to see the new X-Men movie. It was pretty good, but not nearly as good as X1 and X2. Still, it was fun to go out on the town and have mom and dad stay home with the kiddos. :-)

Monday we slept in, grilled out, and then my family took off for their homes. So things are finally calming down. But then last night Laura was up 6 times during the night throwing up. She was one unhappy camper. We quickly progressed through all the sheets we had for her crib, and then went to blankets and towels. She was sleeping OK, but just kept waking up vomiting. Yuck. But Becky reports that she’s doing better today, that some food is staying down, so hopefully she’s on the mend.

With so little sleep last night, something tells me I won’t manage to stay up through the whole Suns-Mavericks game tonight…