Give me a three-day weekend, and do I post any? Nooooo. But it was a very nice weekend.

I had all of Friday off from work. Friday morning I woke up with a very, very sore back - the kind of sore where you can’t bend over to reach to flush the toilet because it hurts too much. The back is still sore today, but it’s better than it was on Friday. It gets looser during the day, to the point where it’s not bad at all, but then it starts all over again in the morning. I’m headed to the chiropractor again today to see if he can help. But enough griping. I sound like an old person.

Friday morning we decided to go garage saleing. Normally this isn’t a very exciting thing, but it was a nice morning, and I figured I could do the driving and Becky could shop and we’d have fun. At the second sale we stopped at, I noticed an electric bass and bass amp sitting out there for sale. I couldn’t resist going to check them out. After some drooling, I made an offer of $100 for the pair, and the gal took it. So now I am the happy owner of an electric bass and amp. I wish I could provide more detail on the bass, but there’s no name printed on it anywhere. I opened up the back of it, and still, no name. The woman said it belonged to her father, and I’d say he’s had it for a while; the insulation on the wires isn’t plastic, but rather that woven stuff that I have seen on old wiring in houses. The amp is an old Roland bass amp, about 30" square. All in all, it sounds good. There’s a bit of a buzz, but I think the cable connecting the bass to the amp has a bad connector. I’m gonna try a new cable tonight. I don’t know when all I’ll have opportunities to play it (other than for my own fun at home), but I’ll find times. And for $100, I couldn’t pass it up.

Friday afternoon we went out for lunch and then did some clean-up at home in preparation for Ryan’s visit. He showed up around 4 pm. We had a great time seeing him this weekend; Ryan, I hope we didn’t work you too hard!

Saturday morning we borrowed the neighbor’s pickup and procured a load of topsoil and a load of compost from the local garden center. All that dirt went into the planters behind the garage in preparation for the strawberries that Becky was ready to plant. After that was done, I tilled the garden so she can get some tomatoes started. Then we crashed Saturday night.

Sunday morning was the usual two services at Noelridge. I was unexpectedly without either my flautist (sick) or my bass player (car in the ditch the night before). Regardless, the music went OK. Always a joy to celebrate the resurrection with our brothers and sisters.

Ryan headed home Sunday afternoon and we didn’t do much the rest of the day. Now it’s Monday and I have to deal with a full five-day work week this week. :-( But ignore me, I’m whining again. Fortunately, this week my evenings should be much calmer.