Well, I at least switched up graphics and a bit of the color scheme. It’ll do for now.

I’m thinking of renaming the House of Cakeboy blog…. it seems to have about run its course. I’m thinking through new names right now, and will take suggestions if anyone has them.

Here’s a few proposed names I’m mulling over. Many of them are from song titles… well, actually, all but one are from song titles, and the other one is probably a song title, I just haven’t heard the song. :-) If you have any opinions or other ideas, let me know. Not that I’ll really pay attention, but I might.

Proposed Names

  • Push To Talk
  • Trying to Get This Right
  • Over Yonder In The Minor Key
  • Erase and Rewind
  • Running on Faith
  • Didn’t He Ramble
  • You Didn’t Know Me When
  • The Things We Leave Behind
  • Between Green and Grey

(Bonus points to anyone who can name all of the artists who did these songs…)