I’ve kinda been waiting for this one… Thanks Stephanie for tagging me!

Four jobs I’ve had

  • roofer during a hot Texas summer
  • Waiter at “Hennington’s” in Granbury, TX
  • fixer-upper of messed-up data for the BNSF railroad
  • resident computer geek for JW Operating of Longview TX

Four movies I could watch over and over

  • Lost in Translation
  • The Princess Bride
  • Fiddler on the Roof
  • The Thomas Crowne Affair

Four books I could read over and over

  • The Lord of the Rings
  • The Chronicles of Narnia
  • Orthodoxy (Chesterton)
  • the Manifold series (Stephen Baxter)

Four places I have lived

  • Fremont, NE
  • Granbury, TX
  • Longview, TX
  • Hiawatha, IA

Four TV shows I watch

  • House
  • MI-5 (Spooks for you British types)
  • Hustle (a new show on AMC, also by the BBC)
  • pretty much any sports

Four places I have been on vacation (ok, so I haven’t traveled much)

  • Destin, FL
  • Estes Park, CO
  • Chicago, IL
  • Los Angeles, CA

Four websites I visit daily other than email

Four favorite foods

  • Enchiladas
  • Sesame Chicken
  • Pizza
  • a good steak

Four places I’d like to be right now

  • not at work
  • at home with Becky and Laura
  • at my favorite coffeehouse with a good book and my laptop
  • on vacation someplace warm and slow-paced

Four bloggers I’m tagging