I’ll come up with a more thoughtful post one of these days, I promise. But for now, more boring information! :-)

I’ve been trying to get ahold of a wireless USB adapter that will work with my Tivo so I can transfer programs onto my PC.

Step 1: I went out and bought some wireless adapter at random from Walmart. Oops. Bad idea. Tivo doesn’t support very many adapters. Took that one back and got a refund. Arrrrrgh.

Step 2: Researched carefully, bought a WUSB12 that the online forums assured me would work fine. Got it online, it arrived via Fedex yesterday. It didn’t work. It ends up that certain versions of a WUSB12 will work with Tivo… but there wasn’t any version info avalilable on the online store. Arrrrgh.

Step 2.1: Figured I’d need to return this one as well, requested an RMA number.

Step 2.2: Realized that maybe I could sell it here instead to get out of the “store credit” hassle.

Step 2.3: Listed it on the buy/sell newsgroup here at work this morning. Sold it within 1 hour. After I send in for the rebate on this puppy, I’ll actually be a few bucks ahead. Woohoo!

Step 3: Go to a local store and purchase one that I can check the model/serial/version number on before I buy it, or, at least, that I have the ability to return locally if it doesn’t work. No time to do this tonight, but tomorrow, maybe.

That’s all for today’s episode. Tune in tomorrow when Chris goes to BestBuy and asks, “hey buddy, ya got a D-Link DWL-G122?”