OK, I’ll admit it: I have a CD-buying habit. It’s not as destructive or expensive as many other habits I could have, but it still drives me to purchase more music, new music all the time.

My last new CD came in the mail on Friday - I had pre-ordered Chris Rice’s new CD, amused, back a couple of months ago. I’m not sure how well I like it yet; I’ll have to listen some more. Chris Rice has been on my automatically-buy list pretty much ever since his first album, and I haven’t been disappointed yet. Hopefully the streak continues. Before that, I got Andy Osenga’s [Souvenirs & Postcards], and then just before that Randall Goodgame’s War and Peace. I guess you could say I’m just doing catch-up as I find these new artists that I like so much.

Since I have to hold back a bit, I’ll at least post my list here so I can add to it from time to time, or note when I have purchased another one. If any of you reading this feel the desire to get one for me, go ahead. :-) They are listed in a basic priority order… which is always subject to change.

The Normals I don’t own any of their albums yet, but I should get all of them:_

  • A Place Where You Belong
  • Coming To Life
  • Better Than This

They are available, all 3 for $24 at http://www.creativesitesmedia.com/normals/merch.shtml. I will admit to being torn between getting them for that good price or supporting Andy O directly by buying them from his site at a slightly higher price.

Randall Goodgame

  • Arkadelphia
  • The Hymnal

Available for purchase at http://www.uthstuph.com/ws/randallgoodgame/. I appreciate his War and Peace more every time I hear it… I need to catch up on his other stuff.

Sufjan Stevens

  • Illinois

I wrote about this one before. I still haven’t purchased it.

Sandra McCracken

  • Gypsy Flat Road
  • The Crucible

I have only one of Sandra’s albums right now: Best Laid Plans. I’d sure like to add the other two.

Other things floating around at the bottom of the list: Ryan Adams’ [Cold Roses], and maybe Nickel Creek’s [Why Should the Fire Die?].

I guess that’s it for now. I imagine I’ll be adding to this list before I subtract from it too much. :-)