It has been one of those summers at church. We had a leadership meeting last night (to review: I am the worship leader and an elder apprentice) where we started through everything… it went all evening. Just a thumbnail sketch:

  1. We’re going to a two service format starting in September. This will of course require extra organization and willingness to change from everyone involved.
  2. We’re eliminating our adult Sunday School classes in favor of 8-week weeknight courses to be held off-campus, at coffeeshops and the like. The goal is to get folks to bring unbelieving friends, and for the unbelievers to have a more comfortable place to come and discuss the Bible. Adult SS attendance has been waning, so it’s a good time to change.
  3. We’re starting up a ministry with a focus on the arts - drama, music, film, etc. Fortunately I’ve managed to stay out of any responsibilities with this one so far. Hope it stays that way - I just don’t have the time.
  4. Our youth pastor is moving from full-time youth pastor to part-time associate pastor. He has sensed a calling away from youth ministry, but wants to stay on somehow, and we want to keep him. To go along with that…
  5. We’re going to hire a new part-time youth pastor. At the moment, our #1 candidate is the senior pastor’s son. We’re hoping this doesn’t cause too much controversy. I think personally he’s the right man for the job.
  6. We’re going to change the name of the church. I’ve talked about this before. We know we should change to remove any hindrance that the word ‘Baptist’ causes… but it’s hard for some of the old-timers to want to change.

I have to remember in the end that ultimately, it’s God’s church, and He will have to work His will in everything we do. He will get done exactly what He wants to get done… we just have to make sure we don’t make hindrances and slip the schedule by months or years. Such is the lesson for today. :-)