So the weather intervened this weekend and I didn’t do any outside projects… apparently a high of 50 with the wind 25 mph from the north is not conducive for working outside. :-) I did get the lawn mowed, though. I live in a neighborhood that’s mostly old retired folks, at least one of whom seems to have his personal ambition to make everybody else’s lawns look terrible. This guy mows his lawn every 2 or 3 days, so it’s always immaculate. I try to get mine mowed every week or so, but it usually still ends up looking shaggy.

So instead of outside projects I got a bunch of inside stuff done this weekend, which was OK with me. My list of little miscellaneous projects is always long, so this weekend shortened it up some. Receipts are done. Meeting minutes are typed up. The downstairs is cleaned up and swept. All in all, a profitable weekend. Then I taught Sunday School on Sunday and then in the afternoon bought a used CD that I’m enjoying this morning: Eric Clapton’s Unplugged. I know, it’s a 13-year-old album, but I’m just finally getting around to it.

Such is my random life from this weekend. Hope you enjoyed it. :-)