Springtime has finally arrived in Iowa, and that means that the weekends become project time. That also means that it’s time for my annual realization of how lazy I am. I like projects to an extent - specifically, I like the ones that are small, and have great observable effect when they’re done. But now that it’s spring time Becky has a list of outdoor projects that need done.

Now I’m not disagreeing that they need done; they do need done, and they will improve the way our home/yard/garden looks when we get done. I just have trouble getting motivated. I like my winter Saturdays when I can get up late, read a book, watch TV, and be lazy. I will remember that I like summer Saturdays, too; but they’re more characterized by work, sweat, and tiredness at the end of the day. Which is OK; I just have to remind myself that I do enjoy it - my laziness wants to tell me that I won’t enjoy it.

So to put aside the navel gazing and introspection, this weekend we’ll be doing some planters in the back yard. We’re buying the landscape timbers today, and tomorrow we’ll be cutting and assembling them. Maybe I’ll even take a picture or two for illustration once we get done. Thinking about it now, it probably won’t even take that long - Becky’s got it all planned out how she wants it, so it should just be cut and assemble. At least, I can hope that it stays easy. Ahhh… the smell of sawdust. Now I guess that is something to look forward to.