I’ve been on a web page design kick lately. First it was with my church’s web page. The updates I made to it never hit the web; you can look at www.noelridgebaptistchurch.org to see how badly it needs it. I think we’re actually going to go to using a professional design site (www.faithconnector.com) for our web pages; it’s worth the cost to get a professional-looking site, and they offer some great features.

I got set up as a webmaster on a separate site last week; I’m setting up a site for my pastor’s Reconciliation Ministries. It’s still in progress, but I’m learning a lot. The last time I did web page design was about 5 years ago (check this page out… scary!) before they had cool things like css. I just bought a book on CSS and DHTML last night and it’s going to save my butt when it comes to doing web pages.

Anyhow, I’m a long way from being a professional, but it’s fun to use my skills once in a while. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. :-)