New Specs

I got my most recent pair of glasses about 6 years ago.  Now, I don’t wear them all that often; my Focus Night and Day 30-day contact lenses have been my friends.  But still, there are times when I need or want to wear the glasses.  My existing pair is half-rim, and while they seemed at the time I bought them to be really small lenses, in reality they are still pretty big.  I’ve been thinking of getting a new pair for a while now, but the opportunity hadn’t presented itself.

This afternoon, though, I will be headed to visit my friend Roy who is an optician.  He says that the folks in his office can pick out the employees from my company just by the glasses they choose; engineers and nerds, all.  He has promised that the pair of glasses I end up with won’t make me look like an engineer.  I’m looking forward to the change.