more odds and ends for May 2006

Wow, so it’s been far too long since I posted. What’s been happening? Last weekend Mom and Dad and Reba came down to visit. We had a good time. Saturday we did a little bit of garage saleing and Reba looked at an apartment. She’s planning on moving down here in June. That should be interesting. She’s going to Kirkwood in the fall. They came down Friday night, left Sunday afternoon. It was good to see them again.

Yesterday was supposed to be our first softball game of the season, but it got cancelled due to the weather. It wasn’t actually raining, but it had been raining pretty much solid since Friday night. The fields were undoubtedly a mess. So last night we went out for supper and then went to the library instead. It was nice.

Now today we’re home. After work I took Laura on a bike ride while Becky worked in the garden. I did about 8 miles, which for my first time out this year, pulling a kiddo in a trailer, isn’t too awful. We’ll see how sore I am in the morning. :-) It was nice to be out. Gotta love having the Cedar Valley Nature Trail and the Cedar River Trail nearby.

So now it’s nearly bedtime. Just finished watching American Idol, and Becky is upstairs trying to get Addison to go to sleep. She just fights it so hard. I’m in the process of setting up a blog for my in-laws to use to post stuff about their vacation this summer. The funny part is, they can use my domain (, and it doesn’t seem strange at all. :-)

Well enough randomness for tonight.