Category: youtube
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One more fun musical post for the weekend
Louis Armstrong and Danny Kaye together on stage having far more fun than any two people should be allowed to have. How can you not enjoy this?
Steve Martin & Kermit the Frog play 'Dueling Banjos'
There is no way I could not post this.
(That being said, whoever voiced Kermit at the end of the video is a pale imitation of the original.)
Tonight's chain of musical thoughts
Playing this in the van while headed home:
Led to playing this as soon as I got home:
Led to this question: Please, oh please, Andrew Osenga, Cason Cooley, Mark Lockett, et al, won’t you someday soon Kickstart a one-night-only Normals reunion concert?
The end.
Going To Morrow
My friend Dan’s greeting on Twitter this morning brought this song to mind - it’s a witty, punny little two minutes that’s completely worth your time.
The Muppet Show doing “Going To Morrow”.