Category: reading
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Brian Zahnd on Silence and avoiding angry noise
Brian Zahnd, from a January 29, 2016 message titled “Silence”:
The church is not a special interest group that has to make its demands known. We don’t have to fight for our rights. That is the exact opposite of the Jesus way. The church is the new temple that is sustained by the Spirit and by lives of faith, and the church can afford to be quiet and trust because it is not dependent on anything other than the Holy Spirit. The church doesn’t have to make things happen. It can simply be that part of the world living under the peaceable reign of Christ. In fact I would highly advocate we reduce the hyperbole when we talk about ‘changing the world’. That just wears me out. ‘Change the world’? Wow, who do you think I am? I think I am far more content just to say ’let us be that part of the world that has been changed by Christ.’ Instead of changing the world, let’s just be the part of the world that is changed. And think that maybe people might notice a difference and say ‘I like that world of Christ better!’ For if there is no marked distinction between the world and us then what would be the point anyway? That’s when ‘changing the world’ becomes a euphemism for ‘getting my way’. Christ doesn’t call His church to go into the world and get its way; Christ calls His church to simply be His people in the midst of the world and living presently under the peaceable reign of Christ. So in a world that must surely be growing weary of the endless noise of ideological anger, the church is to be a haven of quietness and trust, a quiet refuge of peace, even at times an oasis of silence. The sound of the church is the sound of mustard seeds growing, and of bread rising, of lost children coming home, and what noise there is a joyful noise, not an angry noise.
I love it. Really looking forward to attending Brian’s prayer conference in April.
Finished reading: Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz-Weber
This one was kinda hidden in those photos I posted yesterday. But after wading through Heim I was ready for a shorter, easy read, and Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People by Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber was just the ticket.
It’s more of Nadia at her best, telling stories about her little parish in Denver and how she has experienced God at work in her life.
Nadia is a polarizing figure. Sure, you may have concerns about her attitude, language, and bits of her theology. Regardless, every time I hear or read her, I come away wishing that my faith, embrace of the Gospel, and walk with Jesus looked a little more like hers. That’s enough for me.
Finished reading: Saved From Sacrifice by S. Mark Heim
I don’t remember when this book came onto my radar, but it was already on my Amazon wishlist when my friend Daniel’s recommendation pushed it to the top of that list.
Saved From Sacrifice: A Theology of the Cross by S. Mark Heim is a long-ish volume that rather thoroughly summarizes the arguments for the ‘scapegoat’ theory of the atonement as proposed by René Girard. My knowledge of atonement theories has been relatively limited up to this point; aside from knowing “penal substitionary atonement” (PSA) (and remembering a Desiring God pastor’s conference where Mark Driscoll declared it one of the fundamental truths of the faith that was a hill to die on), I’ve not dug into any. So Saved by Sacrifice was an eye-opening entry into a differing view of Christ’s death.
As an aside, here’s my summary of the condensed Wikipedia summary of Girard’s position:
it is humankind, not God, who has need for various forms of atoning violence. Humans are driven by desire for that which another has or wants. This desire increases to a point where society is at risk; it is at this point that the scapegoat mechanism is triggered. This is the point where one person is singled out as the cause of the trouble and is expelled or killed by the group. This person is the scapegoat. Social order is restored as people are contented that they have solved the cause of their problems by removing the scapegoated individual, and the cycle begins again. The keyword here is “content”. Scapegoating serves as a psychological relief for a group of people. Girard contends that this is what happened in the narrative of Jesus. The difference between the scapegoating of Jesus and others, Girard believes, is that in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, he is shown to be an innocent victim; humanity is thus made aware of its violent tendencies and the cycle is broken.
I also quoted a paragraph from Heim’s book in a previous blog post that was a key bit of explanation in helping me get my head around the idea.
Heim spends a good chunk at the beginning of the book explaining the theory and how representations of Jesus’ death from the very early church might support this scapegoat perspective. He then overviews how the scapegoat theory fits into readings of other books - including a really interesting perspective on Job - and then ties things up by addressing the key PSA texts (think Romans 3 - 5 and most of Hebrews) and how they might be read from a scapegoating perspective.
I’d definitely recommend this one as worthwhile reading if the topic is of interest. It was thick, but not dense - a very helpful read.
Finished reading: The Type B Manager by Victor Lipman
Being a recently new manager at work, and having a definite Type B personality, I saw The Type B Manager on the shelf and thought, hey, why not?
Now, books on management, in general, are a tough sell for me. After a lifetime of reading thick engineering, physics, history, and theology, management books seem relatively thin books and mostly a collection of platitudes and “well, duh” principles. But in an attempt to become a good manager, I keep giving them a try.
The Type B Manager was an exemplary specimen of this sort of thin platitude. Even in trying to address Type B personalities, the book tends to describe the management challenge, what a Type A manager would do, and then how a Type B manager might handle it differently - a strategy that made the Type B personality seem like the poorer option.
Maybe I just need to give up management books in general and spend more time reading Rands instead.
Finished reading: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
I didn’t get as much read on this business trip as I’d thought I might - French schedules have you eating dinner late with little time left for recreational reading before bed - but I did manage to finish All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. This novel, set in WWII, tells the parallel stories of a blind French girl and a German boy with a precocious engineering streak.
It’s a beautifully told story, capturing a smaller slice of life than you often get from a World War II novel. The intersections between the two main characters become clear by about half-way through the book, and I spent the rest of the time hoping against hope that the ending would be satisfactory. It was.
All the Light We Cannot See won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and while I haven’t read that much 2014/2015 fiction yet, I can understand why this one took the prize. Highly recommended.
Finished reading: How to Watch a Movie by David Thomson
I picked up David Thomson’s How to Watch a Movie on a whim from my local library shelf knowing nothing about it or Thomson. You can’t really call me a movie buff - I just don’t have time to watch many movies - but I really enjoy watching them when I get the chance, and I love listening to smart people talk about movies. (The Filmspotting podcast has been at the top of my must-listen list for at least the past 5 years.)
So for my interest in movies, I haven’t (to my recollection) read any books about them.
And, (spoiler alert?) if you’re in my shoes, I wouldn’t recommend this one.
Maybe it’s brilliant and I just need to read 10 other books to get ready for it, but I don’t think so. In 200 pages Thomson talks about different aspects of film-making and film-watching and manages to come across as a pompous snob. I pushed on through because it was short and I wasn’t ready to start my “nope” list on Goodreads quite yet.
So, I need to find some better books on film. Which jogs my memory - the Filmspotting guys did an episode recently where they listed their top 5 film books. Guess I should’ve paid more attention. Maybe I’ll give it another listen.
Finished reading: Hackers by Steven Levy
I hadn’t heard of this one prior to listening to an Incomparable podcast episode last year - for the life of me I can’t figure out which one - but it stocked my Amazon wish list with several tech history books, which my mother-in-law then generously gave me for Christmas.
In Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Levy tells the story of software hackers who for the most part aren’t household names. Sure, there are quick mentions of Jobs, Wozniak, and Gates, but there are a dozen others you’ve never heard of who are similarly fascinating.
Levy talks quite a bit about the hacker ethos and principles that were pervasive from the early 1960s until, well, business and money got significantly involved in the late 1970s. It was a fun read for me since I recognize my own potential to become one of these heads-down, computer-obsessed hackers who barely notices when the sun rises or sets. (A course I have thankfully avoided thus far… for which my wife is both thankful and probably largely responsible.)
Yes, I’m shamelessly picking up John Halton’s habit of blogging reading progress this year, if for no other reason than it gives me 60+ additional posts a year… and maybe give a reader a good recommendation for a book to read. (Or to stay away from!)
My 2015 Reading Year in Review
2015 was another enjoyable year of reading for me, and with books tracked as usual on Goodreads, here’s a short summary:
Total books read: 62. That’s less than last year, but more than each of the three years before that. Fairly average for me.
Fiction/non-fiction: 36 / 26.
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter #6) (Rowling, J.K.) re-read w/ the kids
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter #7) (Rowling, J.K.) re-read w/ the kids
- Kristin Lavransdatter (Kristin Lavransdatter, #1-3) (Undset, Sigrid) Epic. Long. Mostly worth it.
- Station Eleven (Mandel, Emily St. John) excellent
- Spark (Hawks, John Twelve)
- Empire (The Chronicles of the Invaders, #2) (Connolly, John)
- Satin Island (McCarthy, Tom)
- City of Savages (Kelly, Lee)
- The Great Zoo of China (Reilly, Matthew)
- Fall of Giants (The Century Trilogy, #1) (Follett, Ken)
- Winter of the World (The Century Trilogy #2) (Follett, Ken)
- Edge of Eternity (The Century Trilogy, #3) (Follett, Ken)
- No Fortunate Son (Pike Logan, #7) (Taylor, Brad)
- Mightier Than the Sword (The Clifton Chronicles, #5) (Archer, Jeffrey)
- Seveneves (Stephenson, Neal)
- The Goblin Emperor (Addison, Katherine) an unanticipated favorite
- Tin Men (Golden, Christopher)
- Iron Wolf (Brown, Dale)
- Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War (Singer, P.W.)
- The Three-Body Problem (Three-Body, #1) (Cixin, Liu)
- The Dark Forest (Three-Body, #2) (Cixin, Liu) dense but really enjoyable sci-fi
- The Martian (Weir, Andy) fine but don’t buy all the hype
- The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1) (Rothfuss, Patrick)
- Invasion of Privacy (Reich, Christopher)
- The Water Knife (Bacigalupi, Paolo)
- The Library at Mount Char (Hawkins, Scott)
- The Governor’s Wife: A novel (Harvey, Michael)
- My Struggle: Book 1 (Knausgård, Karl Ove) strangely fascinating
- Without Remorse (John Clark, #1) (Clancy, Tom) re-read for the first time in 20 years
- Neverwhere (Gaiman, Neil)
- Zero World (Hough, Jason M.)
- Tenacity: A Thriller (Law, J.S.)
- Dark Corners (Rendell, Ruth)
- Werewolf Cop (Klavan, Andrew)
- Saturn Run (Sandford, John)
The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution (Fukuyama, Francis)
Alan Turing: The Enigma (Hodges, Andrew)
Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence (Armstrong, Karen)
Words Without Music: A Memoir (Glass, Philip)
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (Lewis, Michael)
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (Mann, Charles C.)
Einstein’s Dice and Schrödinger’s Cat: How Two Great Minds Battled Quantum Randomness to Create a Unified Theory of Physics (Halpern, Paul)
Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (Weiner, Tim)
Between the World and Me (Coates, Ta-Nehisi) deserves every accolade it gets
The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid: A Memoir (Bryson, Bill)
Leaders Ought to Know: 11 Ground Rules for Common Sense Leadership (Hooser, Phillip Van)
Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America (Haygood, Will)
The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams (Zaleski, Philip) a good warts-and-all history of the Inklings.
The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities (Breyer, Stephen G.)
Pacific: Silicon Chips and Surfboards, Coral Reefs and Atom Bombs, Brutal Dictators, Fading Empires, and the Coming Collision of the World’s Superpowers (Winchester, Simon)
The Speechwriter: A Brief Education in Politics (Swaim, Barton)
Alexander Hamilton (Chernow, Ron) Because Hamilton, obviously.
Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace (Volf, Miroslav)
Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation (Palmer, Parker J.)
The Lion’s World: A journey into the heart of Narnia (Williams, Rowan)
Secondhand Jesus: Trading Rumors of God for a Firsthand Faith (Packiam, Glenn)
Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation (Smith, James K.A.)
Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer (Rohr, Richard)
Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life (Rohr, Richard)
The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective (Rohr, Richard)
Malestrom: Manhood Swept into the Currents of a Changing World (James, Carolyn Custis)
Spiritual Friendship (Hill, Wesley) Worth reading, and then reading again.
Worked on, but didn’t finish yet:
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God (Wright, N.T.) I’m about half-way through volume one. Slow going.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
- Won the “buy it for Dad for Christmas” award: Desiring the Kingdom by James K.A. Smith.
- I’m honestly surprised by how little theology I read this year. Seems like a lot less than previous years. Guess maybe I was ready for a break.
- Size of my unread book pile at the moment: embarrassingly large. Got 4 new books for Christmas. Added them to the pile. It’s possible that by spring I’ll need to go on another “no books from the library until the pile goes down” pledge. We’ll see.
Do you have any recommendations for 2016 reading?
Finished reading: Saturn Run
So here’s an idea: a sci-fi novel written by somebody who can actually write, with the physics and science worked out by a real nerd sidekick. That’s what you get from [Saturn Run](Saturn Run…) by novelist John Sanford with help from sci-if nerd Ctein. Saturn Run is the book The Martian wishes it could be if Andy Weir had a talent for prose. Great way to wind up my year of reading.
My 2014 reading in review
Well, with 2014 in the books it’s time for my annual little review of my reading. This was a busy reading year for me - 74 books equals the most I’ve read in a year since I started logging my reading back in 2007.
My fiction/non-fiction split was pretty heavily weighted in the non-fiction direction - 45 non to 29 fiction. That non-fiction was pretty well distributed, too, still a lot of theology, but a good bit of history, biography, and economics. (And economics was more than just Piketty. Go me!)
The full list is on Goodreads but here are some of the highlights:
The Best
The Pastor: A Memoir by Eugene Peterson
This is a beautifully-written memoir by a much beloved pastor and author. Peterson tells stories from his years of ministry, emphasizing the call to a simple, faithful pastoral ministry. (Such a breath of fresh air in the days of celebrity megachurch pastors!) This was the volume I gave away as Christmas gifts this year. Really good.
From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism by Darren Dochuk
A detailed history of the roots of American Evangelicalism, from the Oklahoma radio evangelists of the 1930s, through the migration to Southern California, through the rise of Billy Graham, and all the way to the Moral Majority of Jerry Fallwell. Dochuk’s history is quite readable and fascinating for a guy like me who grew up in evangelicalism but didn’t really know its roots.
The Anglican Way: A Guidebook by Fr. Thomas Mackenzie
I chipped in on the Kickstarter campaign for this book back in 2013, and boy was it ever worth it. Thomas, pastor at Church of the Redeemer in Nashville, wrote an introduction to Anglicanism for those Christians who may not be familiar with the tradition. Fr. Thomas: almost thou persuadest me to become an Anglican.
The Rook: A Novel by Daniel O’Malley
This was my last book of the year, so hopefully I’m not just biased because it’s fresh in my memory. This was a great read, though, if you’re into the sort of supernatural spy mystery/thriller sort of thing. Funny, moves quick, keeps things interesting. Looking forward to the second book in the series sometime next year.
That’s Not All
In addition to those titles I also gave five star ratings to some classics that I re-read (several of the Harry Potter novels, read out loud with the family) or read for the first time (To Kill A Mockingbird was a notable gap in my experience.)
A vast majority of the books I read this year garnered either four or five stars. I hope this is because I did a better job of not wasting my time on books that never captured my interest. The (100 pages - your age) formula has been effective this year. If, 60-ish pages in I’m not engaged and enjoying the read, I’m not going to feel compelled to keep reading it.
Up Next
I still have a pile (though not as sizable as it once was) next to my bed that will keep my reading well into 2015. Most likely I will be reading:
- Prayer by Tim Keller. (It’s Keller. Duh.)
- Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Unset. (A historical novel written in the early 1920s by a Norwegian author who won the Nobel Prize for literature. Obscure but highly recommended by those in the know.)
- Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris. The next volume of his Theodore Roosevelt biography. The last one was excellent.
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God by N. T. Wright. I got this one for Christmas last year and didn’t get very far. I think I’m ready to give it a go here sometime soon.
- Lila by Marilynne Robinson. Her follow-up to the excellent Gilead.
Happy 2015, everybody!