We’ve had the same insurance company for 20 years and been happy with them. But our local office has shriveled and it’s now hard to get a response from anyone. Now have a competing quote that’s similarly priced. Worth the hassle of switching?

2024 Reads: Blue Moon by Lee Child 📚

Somehow Lee Child has turned Jack Reacher into a murderous vigilante. Bleh.

Feels like sort of a bittersweet weekend coming up - our middle kid’s last weekend at home before heading off to college. They’re feeling these “last times” pretty keenly. I am, too. Where did the time go?

2024 Reads: The Midnight Line by Lee Child 📚

Sometimes you just need a cheap, easy, entertaining read. Jack Reacher novels fit that bill.

The view from the piano at Christ Church this morning…

A bald, bearded man in a grey polo shirt with a vaulted church ceiling and stained glass window in the background

2024 Reads: The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness by Mark Solms 📚

It’s entirely possible that this book is brilliant and that I’m just very much not the target audience for it. But I was fairly lost.

Hey hey, finished a 5k run below 30 minutes. Feels good to be getting a little bit of stamina back.

Nike Run Club phone alert showing 3.19 mile run, 31:26 time, 9:51 pace

2024 Reads: I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger 📚

As my friend Amanda said, more a vibe than a story. But a beautiful vibe. What do you do when the world falls apart? Love your neighbor. And your enemy. And look for hope.

Jay Kuo calls Tim Walz The Ted Lasso Veep and that seems right on.

You wouldn’t think a state governor talking for 30 minutes to a bunch of geographers about the importance of maps would be compelling, but Tim Walz makes it so. This guy’s gonna be a great VP.
