Category: good-things
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Good Things in April 2011
01 - Ran five miles in 49 minutes. Longest run ever for me. 02 - Beautiful day, lots of garden and yard work 03 - Top-notch message from Pastor Keith 04 - Planned audits were canceled! Happy Monday! 05 - nice chance for a walk in the sunshine mid-day 06 - Up early and got in a 2.5-mile run 07 - little sister came to visit! 08 - Hung out with mom and sister 09 - A nice 4-mile run in the afternoon 10 - Worship team and a good chat w/ Pastor Phil 11 - Corporate jet to Melbourne, FL 12 - Two sessions of teaching went really well 13 - Ran 2 miles on the beach 14 - Flew back home on the same spiffy jet, got home early! 15 - Lunch out with the family 16 - WT practice and lunch w/ Phil and Jim 17 - great Palm Sunday worship - kids leading You Alone Can Rescue 18 - discovered new video driver for the HTPC - much better netflix/hd performance (Iamsuchanerd!) 19 - good run and then dinner out w/ the family 20 - date night w/ Becky! 21 - Finally getting caught up at work 22 - Headed to Wisconsin for Easter weekend 23 - fun day hanging out at my brother’s house 24 - He is risen! 25 - Audits went well 26 - Had Marc over for dinner, nice visit 27 - Last Wednesday night of kids’ church activities - fun end-of-year program 28 - Impromptu lunch w/ the family 29 - Took the afternoon off, mowed the lawn for the first time 30 - Fun relaxing day with the family
Good things in March 2011
06 - dinner with the family at Casa las Glorias and the kids were all well-behaved! 07 - resolved to start keeping this list 08 - pancakes. lots of pancakes. 09 - folks at church volunteered to keep K for an hour so Becky and I could go out by ourselves 10 - got dates set for our trip to St. Thomas / St. John 11 - left work early to hang out family, temps > 50! 12 - great WT practice, new monitor headphones work great 13 - Addie’s birthday, had friends over for dinner 14 - my birthday 15 - 16 - 17 - Chinese food with the family and a spring afternoon at the park 18 - Babysitter and date with Becky 19 - Worship practice can’t be beat 20 - KP turns 2! 21 - Kickboxing class w/ Becky kicked my butt 22 - 23 - 24 - People starting to get well 25 - KP puked at the mall, but Steve & Meg were working CFA and so helpful 26 - Gotta love the NCAA tournament 27 - Awesome sermon from Pastor Randy 28 - Managed to only have to support a half-day of audits 29 - Haircuts and Sonic drive-thru with L and A 30 - First yard work of the season 31 - Mid-year performance review went well